School districts, principals and teachers have begun to reach out their district families about distance learning. Teachers are rushing to learn how to use new online platforms, to best engage students from many miles away, and to create online...
Have you suddenly found yourself with kids home from school? Still need to get some work done during the day? Solidarity, sisters.  Here are 20 ideas to get you started. Have kids write and illustrate their own story. Or siblings...
Valley Fever, also known as Coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides, which lives in the soil in the southwestern US, parts of Mexico, and Central and South America. People, and house pets, can get Valley Fever by breathing...
As a former retail manager, I know the benefits of delegation. It took me a long time to understand that even though I wanted to do every task, it takes an entire team to make a store run smoothly....
I don’t know about you, but my kids are notorious for making me work for their requested birthday themes. Seriously, just about every year one of them has an idea that requires me to get super creative. All I...
It’s widely known that stress, anxiety and depression all affect your mental health, but many don’t know that improving your mood could be as simple as choosing the right food. Your microbiome, which is in the gut, is often...

How Do You Self Care?

Self care has become somewhat of a trendy movement. Truthfully, I saw it as something I couldn’t buy into as a mom of littles. How in the world am I supposed to get a mani and pedi on a...
As my daughter got closer to school age, I started to notice more and more stories of bullying and child suicide in the news. Kids are picked on for how they look, who they are, and even for medical...
Here I am again NOT writing about birth or photography or anything that I am actually an expert in, but instead my guilty pleasure, clothes. I love clothes. I love creating my own style and looking unique and fashionable. I...
About the time the tree comes down and the decorations are put away is when I start thinking of my New Year's resolution...usually something along the lines of: SIMPLIFY and ORGANIZE! To me that means focusing on our calendar,...
In my practice, I hear a lot of women come in talking about their anxiety. During the holidays, normal, manageable anxiety can run high. Sometimes it doesn't feel like anxiety. It can feel like overwhelm. It can feel like...
I know what women want, especially sleep-deprived, overextended Scottsdale moms. We want a spa day. We want one hour, or two, or five of uninterrupted, unadulterated quiet time dedicated to feeling whole again. We want … and I would...
Last week, I felt like a rockstar. I tried out LaundryCare for the first time. I usually run the washer every morning and do a 2nd load at nap time. Some days, I run a 3rd load of towels...
Part 2: The bras…. These first two wireless bras were actually the last ones I ordered and I ordered them because I started getting 100,000 FB ads for different bra companies and I’m a sucker for FB ads. Stupid Cookies. Anyway...
Holiday cards. To send or not to send? That is the question. And it’s been a bothersome one I’ve grappled with every winter for the past five years. When I think back to the holidays of my childhood, one image that...
Holiday Gift Guide 2019 Shopping for the holidays can be tough! We are here to help you find all of the gifts for everyone on your nice list! Also follow us on Instagram because we are hosting a 12 Days of Instagram giveaway...
Today we’re highlighting a few of our favorite items from the Best Gifts for Older Kids Shopping Guide. Whether you're buying for your own children or a distant relative you barely know, our Shopping Guide has you covered with...
If you're hosting a holiday party this year, consider an Elf theme! You can be as extravagant as you want with the decorations - just ask Pinterest! We kept it pretty simple, decorating with the Christmas decorations we usually...
Do you know of a family in need or crisis as we enter the holiday season? Nominate them today and help make the holidays a little brighter by partnering with Trusting Connections in their seventh annual Help-A-Home holiday charity...
Do you ever feel like your day just happens to you? You wake up to put on your metaphorical boxing gloves just to be prepared for the fight? The huge to-do list, the whining children, the endless chores. Always...
My girls are going wireless. I’m not talking technology like phones or iPads, I’m talking about switching to wireless bras! I’m 36 years old, and have two kids under the age of 5. I literally just quit nursing my...
Today we’re highlighting a few of our favorite items from the Best Gifts for Kids Shopping Guide. Whether you're buying for your own children or a distant relative you barely know, our Shopping Guide has you covered with some...
Today we’re highlighting a few of our favorite items from the Best Gifts for Little Kids Shopping Guide. Whether you're buying for your own children or a distant relative you barely know, our Shopping Guide has you covered with...
Today we’re highlighting a few of our favorite items from the Best Gifts for Babies Shopping Guide. If it’s been a few years since you've bought a gift for a baby, you’ll be amazed by some of the awesome...
When I think of fall, I can recall many memories of my family that centered around apples. Growing up in Northeast Ohio, apples are a part of our culture.  Cities spend weekends celebrating apples and apple butter at festival,...
A common question many parents have is when should their child first visit the dentist. Although everyone develops at different rates, most children typically start getting teeth between the ages of 6-8 months. Some may find it surprising that cavities...
The Modern Mother

The Modern Mother

Society, Grandparents, Friends, Neighbors, Professional colleagues — many of us to new moms:  Breast is best, but obviously not in public. You should co-sleep, but it is so unsafe. You should go back to work but do not ever leave...
It's never too early to start building self-confidence in our girls. It happened the other day. I caught her looking intensely in the mirror. Scrutinizing her face, concentrating, judging. Assessing her appearance and coming up short. “Mom, am I pretty?”  I...
I love family dinnertime. It is so important to the rhythm of our family.  It is my time to sit back and really watch the dynamics of our family. It is my moment when I want to jump up and...
By Dr. Cayce Wallace Pediatric Dentist Arcadia Pediatric Dental We all love sweets, and kids often love sweet drinks such as soda, sports drinks, and fruit juice. Unfortunately, sugary beverages can cause a host of dental problems, including gum disease and...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...