Confused about which car seat to buy? I know I was! Just taking a walk through the car seat and stroller aisle at Buy, Buy Baby or BRU made (and still makes!) my head spin.  There are just so...
{Steph} Oh goodie, goodie, goodie, goodie!  I love everything about feeding my family.  I know... it might sound weird but one of my favorite places in our home is the kitchen.  It's where all of the fun happens, right? So...
Hello everyone! My name is Kimberly Jarman, the owner of Kimberly Jarman Photography, a boutique studio located in downtown Mesa. We are so excited to be back guest blogging for Scottsdale Mom’s Blog. Last time we blogged you met...
(Joy:) My inspiration for this weeks S vs. J episode came from my garbage disposal. I have a knack for, shall we say, "over-exerting," my little friend down in the drain. I have called upon my man, several times to...
mom·sen·se (mɒm sens) noun 1.  practical motherly intelligence that is sensible or reasonable 2. a mother’s mental discernment, realization, or recognition  – She has momsense. OR She used her momsense to determine that something was amiss. ~~~~ When it comes to buying a car, there...
Last time, I told you about how Erin just broke down and bought a pre-owned minivan after battling her Suburban for several years.  She shared tips with SMB on how to research which car is best for you and your...
{Steph} You might think I'm joking when I tell you that I've been "planning" Nora's first birthday party for the last 6 months - but I'm being 100% truthful.  Really. I love to plan parties.  And if I were...
The greatest thing about Scottsdale Moms Blog is learning from other moms who live right next door.  So, the burning question is:  How much do you pay your babysitters? We asked you; and we are happy to share what you...
Women today are self-reliant and independent, but we often forget how friendships and family can make life rich and full. When I was single, living in Wisconsin (for just 10 months), I lived with a foxhound named Rolex in a very cool bungalow-style...
Moms are so resourceful.  Got a run in your hose?  Here's some nail polish.  Is your hem tattered and you don't have a needle?  Here's a stapler.  Gum in your hair?  Make it a real mess and add some...
It’s summertime. Kids are out of school and that usually means that at least one parent now has little companions ALL DAY LONG. What do you do if your kids are driving you nuts by, well, being kids? Here...
One of my favorite mommy blogs, BecomingMom, has a series entitled "Mommy SOS" where she asks her readers to give their insight into various mommy-matters. I've always loved these posts as I feel like all of the comments are...
When I was young, it was really hard for me to relate to my elders. The lack of common interests made a visit to grandma’s house seem like a trip to Mars.  BUT as I aged, I began to...
Summer is a time when family gets to bask in lazy moments. It’s a time for barbeques, sleepovers, Friday matinees and road trips. It’s also known for boredom crazed children, sunburns, excruciating visits from relatives and moms that are...
For all of you moms who love to cook (or wanna be a "mom who loves to cook") out there, meet our friend Jennifer.  I met Jennifer a couple years back and have been drooling over all of her...
Just this week I left a comment on a dear friend's Facebook page, that I later realized could either be seen as a complement OR as a REALLY mean remark.  After seeing her response, I realized my mistake, sent...
For those of you who slept in this morning.  Here's what you are missing.  This is the Shea/40th Street hike at 6:15am today. And that, kids, is why I live in Scottsdale! XOXO Boon Inc is still looking for baby models.  Preferably...
Last week, I talked about what is the most appropriate use of Facebook.  Bottom line: Be Friendly ;-)  Today, let's look at another aspect of Facebook... the dark side.  Duhn Duhn Duhn... We often use Facebook as a platform to voice our...
Before I started studying photography, most of my pictures were the same-old-same-old.  I would often show my pictures to friends and family and it seemed they had seen all 50+ images in less then 30 seconds. I now realize...

SMB Photo of the Month

There's nothing we love more than to hear from YOU - the readers of Scottsdale Moms Blog!  Joy and I love being able to connect with all of you local Phoenix area mama's. Because of this we thought it would...
Social networking and social media are all the rage. It seems you can't go anywhere these days without someone asking if you are on Facebook. "Hey, Facebook me," we say, treating the social network as a verb. Even our...
Yesterday, I talked with you all about using social networking and social media in your personal life and in personal relationships. I provided ideas on how to connect and build online—as well as offline—friendships. Today, I will be discussing how...
After talking the past two days about ways you can use social media in your personal life and supporting your hobbies and interests, today we'll talk about creative ways moms like us can use social media in our professional...
Just 2 more days to submit your photo of your cutie-patootie(s)!!! Enter our monthly digital photo contest for the chance to  win product from the much loved Boon Inc AND have your child’s photo featured on our website. Here’s how to enter… {1} Email...
Drum roll please.....the winner of the October Scottsdale Moms Blog Photo of the Month is Kelly S. and her little sweeties, Bella and Lainey!  Are they not the cutest little things you've ever seen??!!! Here's a little bit about Kelly...
What to wear in photos? This is always the million dollar question for photos - especially with precious little ones.  Have you ever oogled over photos of someone's cute children? Of course! We all have! It is, of course, because kids...
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just over a week away?!  Where did November go?  Actually - where did this YEAR go?  I just can't believe it.  Regardless - it's time to saddle up and get ready for the...
Just 1 more day to submit your photo of your cutie-patootie(s)!!! Enter our monthly digital photo contest for the chance to  win product from the much loved Boon Inc AND have your child’s photo featured on our website. Here’s how to enter… {1} Email...
December is my favorite month!  There is something about the shared excitment, decorations everywhere and Christmas music on the radio that makes me walk around with a smile all month long!  (It doesn't hurt that my birthday also falls...
Everyone loves a good sale, right? If so- ya'll are in for a treat!  We're doing a Link-Up where YOU (aka your business or friend's business or a business you just love) can link up to be featured as a...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Three Unique Places To Host A Birthday Party

I have a secret obsession with planning birthday parties. I do not do anything over the top or too extravagant, but I really enjoy...