Jill Scott

Jill Scott
Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Jill is middle school Social Studies teacher with 17 years experience teaching Middle and High Schoolers Humanities in public, private and parochial schools. She enjoys reading, crafting, organizing events, travel, and making memories with her three children, ages 6, 5, and 5. Jill actively seeks ways to give back to the community.

Treat Yourself… Host a Favorite Things Party!

A great way to get together with friends and love ones is to throw a Favorite Things party. Part white elephant and part show and tell, a Favorite Things event will teach you about...
black friday

You Won’t See Me Out Shopping This Black Friday

It has become a national tradition to spend Thanksgiving morning pouring over newspaper and online ads looking at Black Friday deals. The next morning, moms get up at the crack of dawn to line...
middle school organization

Middle School Organization Tips From a Veteran Teacher

As your child ventures back to school, are you getting dizzy from all the deadlines? Organization is the key for your sanity (and your child's success). The Middle School years are a time of increasing...
cookbook party

Try It Out: Start a Cookbook Club

My favorite items from my wedding registry were my cookbooks. Each cookbook represents something I wanted to accomplish in my marriage. Oh, did I have plans for those books! I would be the spouse that...
MEandMine fish out germs playset

Product Review: MEandMine Fish Out Germs Playset

There is nothing more my kids like then getting their own mail.  This time around, my five year old son, Michael, got his own package, a MEandMine Fish Out Germs playset. By following the...
Distance Learning

Distance Learning: What a Teacher-Mom Wants you to Know

School districts, principals and teachers have begun to reach out their district families about distance learning. Teachers are rushing to learn how to use new online platforms, to best engage students from many miles...

Mommy Small Talk for New or Out of Practice Moms

As a fairly reserved person, making small talk with other moms can sometimes be a challenge for me.  What should I talk about?  Do I have anything in common with this woman?  How can...
model kindness

Model Kindness for Your Family This Holiday Season

We often see stories in our newsfeed of families who open their hearts (and often wallets) to help others during the holiday season. We like and share their posts to help remind ourselves about...

We Visited HGTV’s Santa HQ at Fashion Square and Had a Blast!

This week, my three boys, husband and I headed off to HGTV's Santa HQ at Scottsdale Fashion Square.   Nothing brings greater giddiness to my sons than getting to see Santa every year.  What will...

Adorable Holiday Photo Shoot Set Up

I am a firm believer in keeping things simple and classic for the holidays.  This weekend, I had the opportunity to visit photographer Desirae and her rustic Christmas truck photo set up.  In previous years,...
an easy apple cake

An Easy Apple Cake: A Family Fall Tradition

When I think of fall, I can recall many memories of my family that centered around apples. Growing up in Northeast Ohio, apples are a part of our culture.  Cities spend weekends celebrating apples...
say yes to the next MNO Invite

Say YES to That Next MNO Invite

Did you just get that Mom's Night Out Evite asking you out for drinks?  Does saying "yes" to a random invite make your stomach turn? Are you unsure what to expect?  Is it even...
argument for perfect attendance

The Argument for Perfect Attendance

There are many articles out there today that have moms boasting about how they keep their kids home from school.  In an attempt to curb stress, parents allow their children special days to wander...
how teacher-moms really spend their summers

How Teacher-Moms Really Spend Their Summer Break

There is an old joke that goes: What are the three best parts about being a teacher? June, July, and August!!!  And while most teachers will tell you they have chosen this rewarding field to...

What Moms Need to Know About Kids and Vaping

As a middle school teacher, I see my share of goofy and/or dangerous trends. Kids have needlessly planked across desks, swallowed spoonfuls of cinnamon, and spontaneously burst into Fortnight dances in the middle of...

Loot Bag Alternatives for Your Next Birthday Party

It happens every year.  My sons and I sit down every year to pick a birthday party theme.  We book the venue, pick out plates and napkins, and grab some wall decor.  And with...

Engage Your Child with Kiwi Crate

There is nothing my five year old son loves more than getting mail.  When we received a Kiwi Crate box on our doorstep, he was over the moon with excitement. The Kiwi Kit offers...

Open Enrollment and You – A Guide to Choosing Your Kindergarten Path

If you are a parent of a preschooler, then you know you're less than year away from the first day of Kindergarten. Fall is the beginning of Open Enrollment in public schools with applications...

How to Have a Charitable MNO – Volunteering with Ronald McDonald House

It's alway nice to catch up with your mom friends over a Mom's Night Out (MNO). To change things up, I suggest grabbing your girls and volunteering to help out families dealing with medical...

November Charitable Birthday Party Opportunity: Touch-a-Truck

Want to host this fall's hottest birthday party? Want your party to benefit causes in the valley? Then have the ladies of the Junior League of Phoenix help you entertain your kids at their...

You Too Can Konmari Your Kids

Marie "KonMari" Kondo's life mission is to organize the world and spark joy in people’s lives. Her bestselling book, "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up," is not only a quick read but a...

Road Trip Boredom Killer: DIY Travel LEGO Box

With the summer months upon us, there is a likelihood that there's at least one car trip out of the abysmal heat to California or Northern Arizona in your future. While iPads, DVD players,...

The Best Spring Play Date Idea: Ladybug Collecting

Spring temperatures are here, but not for long! Need a reason to get your kids outside and have them learn something new? Try hosting a ladybug playdate.   Whether your playgroup has three kids or thirty, this...

The Gift of Giving: How to Host a Charitable Kids Birthday Party

As my twins approached the big 3 this February, it came time to plan yet another birthday party. In previous years, we had done the Bubble Guppies train park thing and a hosted PAW...

Sharing a Love of Knowledge: My Child’s First Library Card

Ever since my son was little, I have documented his firsts: first rollover, first tooth, first day of preschool, etc. As my son prepares for his first year elementary school, I thought it was...

Try Luxury Skin Scottsdale for a Budget-Friendly but Decadent Winter Skin Revival

These brisk and dry December mornings have been a nightmare for my skin. I was so grateful to be able to try out the facial services offered by Kayla Hernandez at Luxury Skin Scottsdale....

Holiday Gift Wrap: What’s Your Style?

With the holidays quickly upon us, we brace ourselves for the time honored tradition of gifting the ones we love and appreciate. For some, this means shoving all presents into gift bags. But for...

When It’s More Than Just Newborn Acid Reflux: Pyloric Stenosis

Sometimes being a mom means listening to your gut and speaking up when your child's health seems amiss. For us, this wasn't normal acid reflux, it was something more dangerous: Pyloric Stenosis. My first son...

Must-Experience Touch-a-Truck Event Returns with New Location

Are you looking for a great morning out with your family? Then you’ve got to check out the Junior League of Phoenix’s fifth annual fundraiser, Touch-a-Truck. It will be held on November 4, 2017...