How do we teach our children to embrace their failures? Join our contributor, Kari, as she gives you practical tips to teach your children how to learn from failure.
This week one of my students, an 8th grader, described the study method...
Are you looking for a simple way to add a little fun to your Easter celebration?! Ashley is sharing an easy and quick way to wow your little ones this year by growing lollipops!
Last year for Easter my sister...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by spreading love and joy with your little ones? Here are some delightful activities and ideas that will make this Valentine's Day a memorable and...
The Rainbow Maker! The Holidays are Over. Now What Do We Do?
The holidays are over and the shininess of all the new toys and books your child received is beginning to wear off. What on earth do we do...
I am quickly learning is not really "Spring" in Arizona, since it's, oh, 85 degrees on my patio right now. (Being an Easterner who is accustomed to four seasons, I have dubbed Arizona's seasons "Pre-Summer", "Summer", "Post-Summer" and a...
We could all use some good news these days, so I’m here to alert you to the fact that we are now entering prime mimosa season.
The months of April, May, and June are simply brimming with opportunities to have...
Easter is almost here and a great activity to do with your kiddos is making dye using everyday ingredients you already have in your kitchen.
Last year I tried to dye our Easter eggs using natural everyday ingredients and they...
Here are some super easy Halloween craft ideas.
Paper Pumpkins: Easy and Fun to do with Little Ones
I love this halloween craft because it is so simple and I could create these fun little gourds with my two-year-old!
What you'll need:
My boys are obsessed with dinosaurs. We read books about them at bedtime, we have dino figures, stickers, coloring books, and t-shirts everywhere. My oldest generally greets people with his loudest T-Rex ROAR instead of a polite "Hello." I had...
Well, our temps here may still feel like summer, but every store we walk into reminds us that it’s technically fall, and that the HOLIDAYS ARE ALMOST HERE! (Throwing shade at you Costco, with your glittering Christmas trees that...
A DIY birthday number is a great way to add some customization to your child’s party. It’s also a cute birthday photo prop and a nice keepsake after the party. My daughter loves looking at her previous birthday numbers,...
When our daughter was younger, “we” made a lot of holiday cards for our far-away family. These usually consisted of a seasonal handprint or footprint. I’d paint her hand or foot, she’d stomp, I’d decorate the page to look...
When our daughter told us she wanted to be a "fancy pirate" for Halloween, I instantly pictured a tulle skirt, lots of pearls, and big gold earrings. For the last few Halloweens, she and I have loved creating her...
If you're looking for a way to add some color to your summer, a tie dye party is the way to go!
This spring we hosted a virtual tie dye birthday party. (again, a huge thanks to my daughter's friends'...
If you find yourself with more Barbies than beds and a child who isn't happy with the thought of Barbies being stored in a tub when they aren't being played with, a DIY Barbie Bed might be the dollhouse...
You’ve all heard of St. Patrick’s Day but what about St. George’s Day? Being from England I thought I’d share this special day with you.
St. George’s Day is England’s equivalent to Ireland’s St. Patrick’s Day. It’s celebrated on April...
A few months ago, my daughter decided it was time to “glam up” her bedroom. At first, I thought we’d go with a color theme, but her favorite color was “teal...or rainbow...or SPARKLES!!!” So we decided to go a...
If you’re looking for a simple and fun way to decorate your home on St. Patrick’s Day try this DIY windsock craft. This gold pot windsock will for sure bring your home some shine and luck. It’s an easy...
If there is one thing every kid loves, it’s a family movie night! But heading out to the movie theater isn’t always practical, especially when you’re dealing with a global pandemic. The good news is, you can bring the...
Thank You Thursday {November Edition}
Thank You Thursday is a {sometimes} monthly Scottsdale Moms series. Our team is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time. Our job is...
From a young age, I developed a love of all things Halloween. I can remember vividly asking to be a witch year after year. Putting on those long, pointy, black plastic fingernails, I began my transformation. I would sit still...
It's really quite hilarious that I'm over here, like, "I know! I'll do a Halloween craft for this month's SMB post!" Because, you guys, I don't craft. I'm just not good at it. I want to be a crafty mom, and...
Alright Moms, we all know it's coming. Candy, candy and more candy! With Halloween parties, decorative bowls of candy corn, and of course Trick-or-Treating, the sugar rush is upon us.
I doubt I'm alone when I say "I choose my...
Every year my sons beg to decorate for Halloween. I love it! However, I don’t love spending an arm and a leg on decorations…especially when they look like just that: a bloody arm and a bloody leg. They’re just...
The Arizona State Fair is a tradition that over one million people enjoy each fall. With nearly 100 rides, tons of food, vendors, and booths, plus animals, competitions, and performances, there’s something for everyone. When the 2020 fair was postponed,...
Feeling Crafty this summer?!
I have been saving small pieces of crayons for awhile with the intention of melting them into new crayons. We finally had enough pieces ready and I thought it would be a fun activity for the...
I was looking online for suggestions for encouraging the kids to use good behavior. In the past I've used a reward system like reward jars which have worked for my kids and have worked for me. Since the quarantine...
We're packing up and moving to a new neck of the woods! In the name of cleaning up, shipping out and staging for a quick sale, I posted the DIY Roller Shades I made for our playroom on one...
We're going on day 40 of self isolation during this pandemic. The weather is beautiful right now, but that doesn't replace recess and playdates and playground meet ups when you're a kid. In an effort to try to bring...
Have you suddenly found yourself with kids home from school? Still need to get some work done during the day?
Solidarity, sisters. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.
Have kids write and illustrate their own story. Or siblings...