I don't know where I saw it, but I remembered the image of the sleeping child with a superimposed "fairy" fluttering around on the video screen. Coooooool, I thought, when my kids lose their teeth I will totally have...
“They teach us to see the very brief beauty of now, to know the landscape of here, to be present in all our pleasures and pains.” ~ Laurie Bestvater, The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason My rose bush...
For years, I have only had girls. Three little girls right in a row. They are on top of each other just a little over a year apart.  The first few years felt like chaos as we got them...
I'm finding that the way I grew up is becoming a way of life that is nearly extinct in the US.   No, I didn't walk to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways. I grew up in the...
*If you are in the middle of a true emergency, stop reading now and call 9-1-1 There's nothing like getting a phone call from your child's school saying there's been an accident, and that you need to take them to...
As a middle school teacher, I see my share of goofy and/or dangerous trends. Kids have needlessly planked across desks, swallowed spoonfuls of cinnamon, and spontaneously burst into Fortnight dances in the middle of class. The most current trend...
Early on, our little one decided he wanted nothing to do with the childcare option at our paid neighborhood gym. We tried week after week to get him to like it, only to be called up 20 min into...
Here are some research-based tips to help an introvert mama to thrive, regarding crib versus co-sleeping, and general personal wellness! There are two different schools of thought, which can be unfairly and inadequately distilled down to “fostering independence” versus...
 We at SMB are excited to announce a new little feature we're adding to the blog!  In addition to our regular lineup of awesome Scottsdale Mom Contributors, we will be adding a monthly post by a LOCAL expert! We'll...
Our first born is celebrating her birthday this month and as I reflect on my almost seven years of motherhood, I am in awe of all the amazing experiences and moments we've shared as a family. I'm also very...
February of 2013, we met a very special little redhead that we are now in the process of adopting. In October of 2012, my husband Brian and I decided to grow our family by adoption. We contacted an agency and...
Warning: If you travel with kids, they will be changed forever! Mark Twain once said: Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness. In the last 3 years, our family of 6 has traveled to 45 states, 10 countries and 9...
I can hardly believe that my sweet lil' Elsie turned ONE this weekend!!! I really do feel like her real birth-day was just yesterday. In typical Steph-fashion, Elsie's birthday called for a little Par-Tay.  There's nothing I love more than...
From the Editor: SMB is excited to introduce our PLAYDATE SERIES, where you will get first-hand stories on how playdates go at different locations through town! Read along with our brilliant writers Kate & Renée who tackled the Butterfly...
Ah, summer...  Here in Arizona, it's the magical time of year when we who so shamelessly boasted about our wintertime awesomeness Zip-A-Lip and hunker down with 1 hand in the freezer and the other on the ceiling fan remote...
Do you have a new baby on the way? A seasoned mom, but need some additional help? Have you thought about hiring a nanny but aren’t quite sure where to start? Hesitant to pay a hefty agency placement fee...
Our family loves to celebrate almost as much as we love traditions. Last year we made May Day Baskets with our two year old. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to teach her about sharing and being a kind...
Constipation is one of those topics that I had no idea I would ask so many questions about as a mom! Thankfully Dr. Sara Kertz, a pediatrician from Phoenix Children's Pediatrics - Paradise Valley graciously agreed to answer your...
My world is filled with music. Instruments are in every room. Songs fill my hours. Scales drone into my nights. Among many other things, my husband, Sean, is a guitar teacher. What was a complete foreign language to me...
Last January, I was startled to hear screaming coming from my girls bedroom. It was that scream that every mother dreads, the “something really is wrong, I am not faking, I need my Mommy” animalistic noise. Bolting up the...
You may have heard warnings about “social engineering.” While the term is simply a fancy way of describing fooling people into giving away their personal info online, the repercussions are quite serious.   Examples of social engineering include phishing, which occurs...
My first born headed to Kindergarten last week and I am not okay. I know that I will learn to deal with it and eventually I’ll be okay, but for now I am not. I also know that he...
This is Part 3 of our series on Being a Working Mom.  If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, check them out. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I know that balancing your home life as a mom is a TON of work. I mean, it’s seriously...
Driving in the car with my kids in the back seat brings out best and the worst in me. Somehow, knowing they have a captive audience causes my kids to do things that make me want to either put...
Local mom, Jenny Castle, shares her newest obsession. Jenny is the mother of three beautiful children and keeps herself busy with PTSA, catching up with friends in the carpool line, and driving her children to endless after-school activities. Thank...
Many families will travel out of town during summer break. We had a chance to travel to Hawaii earlier this year and I made mental notes on this trip to help prepare for our next vacation. When we spent time on...
I wasn't ready for this job. I knew it. Just look at me; disorganized, lazy, self-centered, a champion at one thing only: Procrastination. I didn’t know how to do the job and had no real skills to speak of....
As I was getting my weekly fill of re-run episodes of KUWTK (yes, I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for all things “E”!), the episode that aired was the one of Kim appearing in Fergie’s new “M.I.L.F. Money” video....
We live in a society of putting our best face forward in many ways that the generations before us were not faced with. Comparison is everywhere. My mom certainly didn’t see all of her friends and neighbors in their...
Podcasts for moms

Podcasts for Moms

Anyone else a podcast junkie? Sometimes I think I may have a problem, like my addiction to mugs or t-shirts with witty sayings on them.     I discovered podcasts a few years ago and I have been hooked ever since!...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...