Jenny Castle
My Family Chose My Resolutions, and What They Said Surprised Me
Every new year, the “resolution” word looms around the corner. Even thinking of the pressure to find the Perfect Resolutions which I then had to struggle to keep made my nerves rattle. So as...
The Surprising Thing Schools Are Teaching
Our typical dinner table conversation with a family of 5 is loud and not always friendly. I am used to hearing “I don’t want to eat THAT,” “She/he is not passing the ketchup,” “Stop...
What Makes a Veteran {A SMB Personal Reflection}
I served in the United States Air Force for four years. I had just graduated high school and I was young, naïve, ill-prepared for a life on my own…BUT, I was courageous enough to...
Tips you MUST READ to be prepared for an emergency!
Last January, I was startled to hear screaming coming from my girls bedroom. It was that scream that every mother dreads, the “something really is wrong, I am not faking, I need my Mommy”...
The Silver Lining of Monsoon Season
As someone who grew up in Ohio, I have had share of my rainy days. Though a monsoon may cause more chaos for the valley, the rain still puts a smile on my face....
What is Puberty?
We here at Scottsdale Mom's Blog are very excited to introduce you all to our newest contributor Jenny Castle! We know you all will love getting to know her just as much as we have!...