A Parenting Fail Story

  Hi moms! I’m Ann, the newest Scottsdale Mom’s Blog contributor. If your Christmas season is anything like most, you could use a little humor right about now. Hope you enjoy this first light-hearted post of mine! Don’t you sometimes need...
Welcome to The Belly Diaries! We’re following pregnant mama Lindsey as she navigates pregnancy #2. If you’re just tuning in, you can read previous posts by Lindsey as well as earlier Belly Diaries mamas here.    ****************************** Hello, third trimester. Let's have a proper check-in, shall...
I always love reading what other bloggers and celebrities have in their bags. I have learned of so many random things that people have, that become so useful in certain situations. I decided to take apart my large diaper...
A few weeks ago, SMB reposted a story about a Louisiana mother who publicly confessed she and her husband simply "forgot my kid in the car" while they went shopping at Home Depot. While most people initially react in shock...
Baby it's cold outside! Time to bust out the Christmas decorations…or is it? The past couple of years I find more and more of my holiday bins are staying in the garage untouched. The reason is that most of my...
Some of us do this more than others and I will readily admit I am a bit fanatical, but when it comes to researching anything I will spend a significant amount of money on—I tend to follow a very...
This year has been a bad year for RSV. Respiratory Syncycial Virus is “a virus that causes a respiratory tract infection. It can cause respiratory tract illness in patients of all ages, but children under the age of one are...
I love The New York Times.  I dream of the day when my handsome husband and I can hide away at our favorite little cafe in Greenwich Village and tackle the crossword together while nibbling on scones and leafing...

The Attachment Cycle

The Attachment Cycle is something you know expertly.  You might be asking how that is possible when you've never heard the term before.  It's true, though. You are a mom.  It is actually one of things you do best...
This post is sponsored by Baby Sensory Development Classes. We partnered with Baby Sensory to bring Scottsdale Moms Blog readers a unique playgroup experience this past July. For more on infant development classes from Baby Sensory, visit their website. The Language Path by Dr. Lin...
Hi friends! How do you feel about bath time? I'm going to come clean...I don't enjoy it. Most of the time I feel like I'm rushing to get it over with. I just want to get down to business...
Make a change. Ditch the. . . Drumroll, please. Disposable diapers.   I am a full-time working mom who uses cloth diapers. A little crazy, but I love it. This is my personal outlook at this crazy thing we call motherhood. For...
I will never forget the day when my daughter was about 8 months old and her pacifier dropped on the floor and my mother-in-law picked it up and "cleaned" it by sucking it and popped it back into my...
You want to know what is AMAZING? Paternity leave. Yes, a mother’s time off is first and foremost when it comes to importance on the postpartum scale, but there is something to be said for having dad home for...
"There's an app for that." -Apple Inc.  It's true, you know.  Whenever I've wanted to do, find, research, shop, see, organize or track anything in my life, there's a app for it.  Be it Android or iPhone, my guess...
I haven't been a mom very long.  Less than 18 months. When I joined the ranks as an At Home Mom, I aspired to maintain our home as a place of order and peace.  i.e.,  To keep it clean.  Then the baby...
Chelsea, with Building Blocks Family, shared all about infant sleeping solutions! She helps start you right out of the gate with a strategy for emotional and physical healing while learning all about your baby. She teaches you how to...
Hi mamas! This post about maternity leave on a budget is so timely for summertime in the Valley, and since we recently met a bunch of new moms at Mom's On The Move, we thought we'd make a few...
We all hear the stories about new parent exhaustion; we also hear those stories about that baby who “slept through the night from day one” and we often wonder what the secret is to avoid the first and dare...
As I was getting my weekly fill of re-run episodes of KUWTK (yes, I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for all things “E”!), the episode that aired was the one of Kim appearing in Fergie’s new “M.I.L.F. Money” video....
It was a Sunday like any other. We took a family field trip to the airport to drop my husband off for a work-trip. Madeline had a blast exploring the airport, helping Daddy check in for his flight, enjoying...
We’re back with SMB’s Belly Diaries guest vlogger, Michelle, and her __ week update! If you missed her 16 week video update, 19 week video update, 22 week video update, 26 weeks video update, 32 week video update, 35 week video update or her final 40 week video...
 We at SMB are excited to announce a new little feature we're adding to the blog!  In addition to our regular lineup of awesome Scottsdale Mom Contributors, we will be adding a monthly post by a LOCAL expert! We'll...
I'm only two kids in, but I definitely have preferences and favorites for baby and toddler products. Here are a few of my favorites. Burt's Baby Bee Multipurpose Ointment - This miracle ointment is so smooth and works like a charm...
NOT JUST FOR TWIN FAMILIES! OPEN TO EVERYONE! Please join the Paradise Valley Mothers of Multiples (PVMOM) for our semi annual Fall Sale.  There will be fantastic deals on gently used baby/kids clothes and items! {And free parking} We know that...
  A new baby brings great joy to a family in so many ways. They also bring more responsibilities along with that joy and sometimes, in an effort to meet all those needs, a new parent does not always get...
Hello Scottsdale mamas. In case you're new here..wait, wait, thats me. I am so excited to be writing with Scottsdale Moms Blog, and get to know all of you more over time. As my first post here, I thought...
For all the first-time moms or moms with young kids - this one's for you! Coming across my eldest's baby book the other day, I found myself giggling at all the things I had written about, which, at the time seemed...
A few weeks ago I experienced a parenting milestone that caught me completely off guard. As a mom, I expected the tears over the obligatory first smile, first day of school, first lost tooth, etc. I shouted for joy, jumped...
I didn't get good sleepers. My middle child wasn't so bad, but the other two? They were refuse to close my eyes - I'm going to cry for hours - why do you torture me by putting me in...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...