Maya Angelou, an inspirational poet, writer, activist, and speaker, died last month but has left many words of wisdom in her wake.  Here are my five favorite Maya Angelou quotes, as they apply to the lives of moms. For a...
Back-to-school season is upon us! Whether you are sad to see the summer end or you are dancing through the back-to-school aisles at Target, there are two essential, and free, steps you can take right now to prepare your children...
Did you know that our kids need us to help them regulate their nervous systems? The younger they are, the more support they need. But even as our children get older they still need us to help them co-regulate...
All the things we are talking about this month! One of my favorite things in life is exploring our fantastic city and trying the new restaurant that just opened, discovering the perfect gift at some little boutique, and then sharing...
Are you looking for a unique dessert idea for your child's birthday? Maybe your kiddo doesn't like cake or you just want to mix it up this year, here are 5 unique birthday dessert ideas to make your next...
In our family we have three weeks of back to school. Three. First, my third grader goes back. Then, my 11th grader. Then, my college student. (Did I just type that?) If I am only 32 years old (in...
A HUGE thank you to Session Nine Photography for being so willing to take photos of our first event!  We are so pleased with them.  Can't wait for the next event.... Click HERE to view all of the photos from...
Christ Church School is a private preschool and elementary school (16 months through 4th Grade) located in Paradise Valley that focuses on a personalized style of instruction. What is personalized instruction? Personalized instruction is paced and tailored appropriately to the learning...
Summer in Scottsdale! We are so excited you found the SMB Guide to Surviving Summer in Scottsdale. This is our 6th year of bringing you tips, tricks and things to do, all written to help YOU survive summer with...
By Kris Smooke, Owner/Instructor Tiny Hands Learning About Baby Signs Wouldn’t it be great if you had a window into your baby’s thoughts and growing personality? Actually, you do! Open up the lines of communication with your baby using signs that...
Like most first time parents-to-be, my husband and I read the baby books, took a birth prep class and decorated the nursery according to my Pinterest board. We checked off the checklists and felt confident we were prepared for anything...
Earlier this month I hung up the world's smallest uniform skort and stared at it trying not to cry. It’s a size 3 that I dug out of the used uniform bin at school since her older sister’s hand-me-downs...
With school in full swing again this year it is time to start thinking (if you haven’t already) about getting your kids out of their summer routine and focusing on more than just their popsicles. Today I want to...
As a kid I never understood why my mom would get so frustrated when we would ask “what’s for dinner?” Fast forward 30 years, and I totally get it. There are a lot of steps to get food on the...
I already have to tell endless "white lies' about the Jolly-Ol-Man-St.-Nick, telling my daughter that he fits his bowl-full-of-jelly-belly down our tiny Arizona fireplace to deliver our presents on Christmas Eve. But  NOW I am telling more lies about...
The team at SMB is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time. It is so much fun! But we want to share all of these fun new finds with all of you
When my kids were little and I would announce that we were going to the doctor’s, the first frantic question out of their mouths was always, “Do I have to get any shots?” They want to know if there...
To my pre-child self: Well, hello there skinny. I know that you are wishing that you could lose those three pounds you gained over Christmas, but that’s nothing compared to the weight yo-yo you will enjoy in your child-bearing years. Find grace...
Every mom in the history of Momming has been there. Has reached the point of frustration with a child and found themself saying, “Can you just sit still and be quiet for a few minutes?” It doesn’t matter if your kid...
I have been operating on half a tank of energy and steam since the pregnancy nausea of #3 set in 10 weeks ago. If you've seen me, perhaps I looked a little bit run down. I have been feeling...
Father's day is coming up and Dads love homemade and thoughtful gifts too. Here's 5 Father's Days crafts that are fun for children to make and Dad is sure to cherish. 1. Paper Tie: There are patterns online and even...
Strategies to help calm an anxious child are one of the most important tools a parent should have in their tool kit. Dr. Ali Vanatta from a pediatrician from Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics – Scottsdale graciously agreed to answer your most asked...
Ever since having my daughter, I feel completely behind when it comes to giving my hair and skin the tlc it deserves. I then get desperate and find myself turning to trending Facebook articles where they tell me what...
I recently read an article about how mothers in France “live and let live”.  They don’t pack huge diaper bags or thrust all kinds of emergency paraphernalia into their strollers for all of life’s      "what-ifs".  They just...
It's Pregnancy Week here on Scottsdale Moms Blog! If you are just tuning in, be sure to read the rest of the week's posts here. This is my last pregnancy. I mean, technically we haven’t scheduled any irreversible procedures (yet), and...
Does everything seem intensified with your teens? Feelings, beliefs, disappointments, fears and hopes? Parenting teens is often challenging. Add to that their parents going through a divorce and it can get even trickier. As a mom, how do you...

E-mail your baby

Soon after having Nora I got a copy of The Rookie Mom's Handbook: 250 Activities to do with (and without!) your baby.  It's been a great resource for ideas and information. And a great gift for a new-momma! One of...
I try to keep it light and positive with my personal social media posts. Of course, I like sharing the news and adventures of my boys and the wise cracks of my hubby. I like to share what we’re...
2017 started off with a bang. Literally. A bang straight to the ground. My 20 month old (at the time) was so excited to start the day, she was running around our island. It was a fall like any...
If you're looking for a fun process art project to do this spring break, consider a reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. If your preschooler is like mine and wants the facts, you can let them know: Van...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...