Soon after having Nora I got a copy of The Rookie Mom’s Handbook: 250 Activities to do with (and without!) your baby. It’s been a great resource for ideas and information. And a great gift for a new-momma!
One of my favorites is #170: E-mail your baby. Here’s what it says…
“Sign your kid up for an e-mail address so you can send messages to her future self. All those things you’re not writing in the baby book are candidates for a note sent to your child’s future inbox…
When these kids are old enough to open their inboxes for themselves, they can read all the notes we sent them when they were too young to understand.”
I LOVE this idea for sooo many reasons! Thanks Rookie Moms for the tip! Gmail – here Nora (and momma) comes! First up: Nora’s obsession with Skype.
Thanks for the blog address! I love knowing about different blogs! But I’m curious, how will you differentiate what you email to Nora girl as oppossed to what you blog about?
Thanks for the blog address! I love knowing about different blogs! But I’m curious, how will you differentiate what you email to Nora girl as oppossed to what you blog about?
good thought… hadn’t thought about that. I’ll probably email her random little thing she’s up to – which wouldn’t be all that interesting to my blog readers.
good thought… hadn’t thought about that. I’ll probably email her random little thing she’s up to – which wouldn’t be all that interesting to my blog readers.
good thought… hadn’t thought about that. I’ll probably email her random little thing she’s up to – which wouldn’t be all that interesting to my blog readers.
good thought… hadn’t thought about that. I’ll probably email her random little thing she’s up to – which wouldn’t be all that interesting to my blog readers.
good thought… hadn’t thought about that. I’ll probably email her random little thing she’s up to – which wouldn’t be all that interesting to my blog readers.
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