Why I’m Proud of my Child’s D As my husband and I were sitting at an appointment, I received the alert announcing “report cards are now available.”  I immediately turned to him and said, “should I even look?” His (pragmatic...
The pressure to perform in high school these day is intense. Kids are warned by parents and teachers that their grades matter from day one. Many of them are pushed to take as many Honors and AP classes as their...
Taking multiple kids to a well check.  I'm pretty sure that this is one of my most disliked mommy must-do's.  Really, I try to avoid it like the plague.  Usually, I find other places for my kids to go...
I did a little trial egg hunt with my almost three-year-old last week and realized that she doesn't quite get it. She was all for me hiding the eggs, but then the "go and find them" part was a...
Parents, kids, and teachers all love a year when Halloween falls on a weekend night, and no one has to get up early for school the next morning suffering from a candy-hangover. Well, as luck would have it, our pandemic-year...
When I was little, I lived in Washington, D.C.. I don't know what the motivation was for my Dad on the weekends. He could have simply wanted to be outside in the fresh air.  Somehow, we often found ourselves...
I am so, so, so tired. Hi guys, it's Kirsten, Managing Editor here at SMB--- and I. Am. Tired. I know I'm not the only one. I've had too many conversations with moms just like me-- bags under their eyes,  Starbucks...
I love to read and public libraries hold a special place in my heart. I remember going to libraries as a child feeling so proud that I got to select any book I wanted. The first time I toured...
Every month our kiddos see me heading out the door carrying an appetizer or a bottle of wine to my book club meeting and they squeal about how much they want to come with me. And I get it,...
Thank You Thursday is a new feature from Scottsdale Moms Blog. The team at SMB is so LUCKY to receive products, try new local venues, and hear about new things to do all the time. It is so much fun! But we want to share all of these fun new finds with all of you, plus give a huge THANK YOU to companies that reach out to us.
For many families, homeschooling is becoming an option on the table of discussion when it comes to educating our children.  Even though there are more families considering homeschooling, there are doubts and fears surrounding what may feel like a...
Our family moved to Phoenix from southeast Minnesota 1 year ago, making THIS our first full AZ summer -- and all I can say is Holy Moley. This desert dwelling thing is no joke! If you find yourself in Phoenix sweating summer...
Kiddos are freaking out? Facilitate 10 ways of finding calm. Explore below to help them learn or improve on how to smooth things over within themselves. Whether your kiddo just “needs to calm down”, could stand to develop more...
I spend most of my days navigating the waters of "tweendom". Life with a ten-year-old is anything but dull. Yesterday I got three, THREE emails from the princess asking begging for an Instagram account. Upon my third NO, we decided...
As we approach the beginning of Kindergarten, I want to tell you how proud we are of you!  You have grown so much and it is hard to believe you are spreading your wings a bit more each day....
We all want to raise children who grow into adults that are compassionate and understand the needs of others. For years, I have wanted to expose the kids to the reality that is found in food banks, orphanages and homeless shelters. But, let's...
In our family we have three weeks of back to school. Three. First, my third grader goes back. Then, my 11th grader. Then, my college student. (Did I just type that?) If I am only 32 years old (in...
Dear "Should", I am so over you. "Should". You are a burden. You are intrusive. You are the source of Mommy Wars and exhaustion, laughably high standards and soul-deadening guilt. You are wearying. You are unwelcome. "Should". I am so much more than your bleak message. We moms...
Summer flew by and it’s that time of year where the kids are gearing up to head back to school. Being in a new classroom with different friends or even in a brand-new school is very scary and intimidating...
   Target  I’m dangerous alone in this store. Add two pint-sized beings that seem to gain control of the cart and steer to either sparkly tank tops or lego aisles and it spells even more trouble. Make no mistake,  this...

Uncovering Food Allergies

I had a rough transition into motherhood.  Actually, I had a really rough transition into motherhood.  You see, my first born is allergic to milk and I was determined to breastfeed.  But I didn't know she was allergic to...
  If you’re new and just stopping in… welcome!  We’re so glad you’ve found Scottsdale Moms Blog! Today we’re back with another Mommy SOS topic.  If you missed our other Mommy SOS posts be sure to check them out.  We’ve covered some great...
Hi there! As we get settled into the start of a new school year, our kiddos meet new classmates and find new friends. Let’s be honest here, some kids we would love for our children to play with. Others,...
Thrivers are not born; thrivers are made! For children to shine their brightest, a structured, loving and safe childhood also needs to include experiencing competency, agency, and autonomy. As educational psychologist Michele Borba discovered, it turns out that there...
The calendar tells me that fall is in full swing, and yet, as a Phoenix newbie, it's rather hard to believe. There are no changing leaves, no riding boots, no apple orchards. A Pumpkin Spice Latte, in these temps?? Pleh. Sure, things...
My kids love to do things “all by themselves” and this includes putting their DVD movies in and out of the player. Thus it is no surprise to anyone that we have quite a few movies with scratches, some...
We have a pool. If you don’t have a pool, then I know what you’re thinking: I’m lucky. I have a fun activity that’s perfect in the intense AZ heat … and it’s right in my backyard! If you also have a...
Jail is not my biggest fear for my kids. However, it is a great starting point for several of life lessons. 1. You cannot hit your sister/brother, even if they hit you first. You might end up in prison someday...
Are you struggling to come up with a unique party theme for your daughter’s 13th birthday? We’ve got you covered with some excellent ideas that will definitely excite your soon-to-be teenager. And these five party themes won’t break the...
One of my favorite things about living in Scottsdale is all of the local and accessible hiking trails. I love hiking and I want my children to love hiking too. Bringing children along can sometimes sound intimidating, so here...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...