The calendar tells me that fall is in full swing, and yet, as a Phoenix newbie, it’s rather hard to believe.
There are no changing leaves, no riding boots, no apple orchards. A Pumpkin Spice Latte, in these temps?? Pleh. Sure, things outside are “better” than they were, but my heart loves fall, and when I look around, the elements are just missing.
If you’re with me on this, come along as we embark on one full day of Fake Fall in Phoenix.
We begin with a morning stroll, as one can only do in the “cooler” temperatures.
Now lean in, wipe your sweat-streaked brow, and behold the one and only piece of fall-hued foliage. Better yet: Pretend this is a delicate, dainty orange-red bit of leaf on a tall, tall tree.
Not doing it for you? Maybe you need a visit to your friendly neighborhood pumpkin patch! The “tractor” rides are free, and if you bring your Fry’s card, you get cheap gas too.
For a morning snack, you could make homemade full-fat banana bread. After all, what says “fall coziness” better than freshly-baked banana bread??
(Meanwhile, ponder how frozen bananas are even weirder than Phoenix Fake Fall.)
If slimy bananas aren’t your jam, you can weed your bountiful backyard garden plot.
Then, whip up a veggie stir fry for lunch, pretending it’s from your garden’s final harvest. (Also, pretend your garden isn’t called “Costco.”)
Fake Fall just begs for naps (whenever and wherever the mood may strike)…
…and when you awaken refreshed, you can search out the nearest Corn, err—- Noodle Maze!
Finally, when the sun sets and your air conditioner runs at only half capacity, you can snuggle down under your favorite [lightweight] blanket.
In all seriousness, while it might have its shortcomings, there is one up-side to Fake Fall that is worth noting:
You crack me up! And as you know, fall (fake or otherwise) is followed by real winter in Minnesota. But one can look forward to some time in Arizona in December!
Try taking the family up to the white mountains for a weekend. You will get all that you dreamed of! People new to Arizona fail to realize that there is more to Arizona than just the Phoenix metro area.
I felt the same way right after I moved to California. Now when I go back east to visit in the autumn/winter, I don’t know how I survived all those years!! lol fake fall > real snow+ice
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