It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Jenn's. You can read all her posts here. Even though I consider myself a Stay-at-Home-Mom, in reading this post I realized that I "Work at...
  Ah, sibling rivalry, famous for making family life tumultuous and for slowly chipping away at a mother’s sanity. Siblings seem to have the potential for being great comrades in addition to fierce foes. Experts say that your sibling relationships...
Here are some research-based tips to help an introvert mama to thrive, regarding crib versus co-sleeping, and general personal wellness! There are two different schools of thought, which can be unfairly and inadequately distilled down to “fostering independence” versus...
Does your toddler look forward to daily routines like snack time, bathtime, play time, or bedtime? When my girls were toddlers, they sure loved their routines! Daily routines provide golden opportunities to support language development because they are predictable,...
We all have a vision of how motherhood will be. We submit our paperwork to adopt or get that positive stick and our hearts start dreaming about all of the sweet moments you will have with your little one....
10 Ways to Launch Great Days? Tap Morning Mindfulness! Your kiddos’ perspective on each new day can greatly benefit from your modeling and/or facilitating the practice of purposefully paying attention to the present, internally and externally, otherwise known as...
...a BIG BROTHER!   That's right! I'm pregnant with our 2nd and it's a BOY! We couldn't be more thrilled; we were really hoping that we'd have our kids close together. My due date is February 1st, but there's a strong...
My four-year-old little boy confidently hopped on a two-wheel bicycle for the first time this past weekend and rode off into the sunset like he’s known how his whole life.  He can thank the time spent cruising around on his balance bike...
      Cut their own food:  Your child should be able to use a knife that can actually cut a chicken breast into bite size pieces and learn and use proper table manner. Who knows when your son might be invited for...
When I decided to stay home full time after having my second baby, I had secret hopes that "stay-at-home" would evolve into "work-part-time-from-home-doing-something-I-love" as my kids grew. I had no plan or even a point of focus, but I...
Like most (okay, all) moms, there is not one day that goes by when I'm not doubting at least one decision I've made. Did I use the right tone? Did I make my kids feel special enough? Am I...
Have you ever experienced your child having big emotions that feel overwhelming to both your child and you? Especially if you are still in your toddler era, you are probably familiar with really big emotions, and sometimes it's over...
Four years ago, I found myself one evening at Francesca's at Kierland Commons. It was a sweet shopping event, and I had invited my dear friend Jennifer. After some casual chitchatting, I shared with her that we had recently...
As we search for ways to do something to make a difference in light of the recent tragedy in Uvalde, I am sharing about Sandy Hook Promise and why I support their organization.  In 2004, I stopped watching the news....
Like many of you, before becoming a mom I was a part of corporate America. A place where nearly everything you do is scrutinized. Every "I" is dotted and every "T" is crossed. It is expected that you meet...
I have to admit, I did not take to baby wearing right away. We registered for and received a baby carrier when my first son was born, but it didn't really get much use. I think we used it twice...
Many of us here at Scottsdale Moms Blog are not only moms to human children, but to some pretty cute fur babies, as well.  June is National Pet Preparedness Month and pet parents across the land are encouraged to...
It’s got to be the most used parenting cliché we hear: The days are long but the years are short. Usually this adage is spoken by other parents, and most people I know – in any stage of parenthood – agree with...
Dear "Should", I am so over you. "Should". You are a burden. You are intrusive. You are the source of Mommy Wars and exhaustion, laughably high standards and soul-deadening guilt. You are wearying. You are unwelcome. "Should". I am so much more than your bleak message. We moms...
   We at SMB are excited about a new little feature we’ve added to the blog!  In addition to our regular lineup of awesome Scottsdale Mom contributors, we're including a monthly post by a LOCAL expert! We're covering topics from discipline to reading readiness...
2 Months: 14 lbs 8 oz, 23 1/4” Long Easton was born on December 3rd, and the first few weeks of his life were what I like to call the “Crescendo to Christmas”. You know what I mean. Christmas music...
Hello, 100 degree temperatures! Okay.....maybe not right now.....but they are coming. Easter is right around the corner as well and as soon as school is out, kiddos will be looking for lots of fun to keep busy at home....

Dear Expecting Mom

Dear Expecting Mom, If you’re like I was, your mind is racing. Sure, you’re waking up in the night to go to the bathroom, but let’s be honest, you’re also awake because you’re thinking about how much your life is...
Just two and a half hours south of Scottsdale in the wild nature of Tucson is Tanque Verde Ranch, beaconing you to come find your inner cowboy. No boots, no hat, no horse, no problem! Tanque Verde is a...
When I was little, I lived in Washington, D.C.. I don't know what the motivation was for my Dad on the weekends. He could have simply wanted to be outside in the fresh air.  Somehow, we often found ourselves...
This past weekend I found myself with a minute to myself. I honestly wasn’t quite sure what to do. It was a motherhood anomaly! Both our boys were outside. Playing. Nicely. Together! I watched in amazement from afar careful not...
My husband and I always wonder how we came to have such an extroverted son. We consider ourselves introverts through and through. Big parties? No way. Small talk? No thanks. Being the center of attention? Would rather go to...

Terrible Twos are a Lie!

My middle child is three years old and this has been the hardest year of both of our lives.  I think about how with my first child, my daughter, I dreaded the terrible twos and thought to myself how lucky...

Our Day At Gymboree

  I have a climber. For anyone else who has a climber, you know what that means - for those who don’t, I can sum it up in one sentence. Climbers give parents a constant heart attack as they try...
Darling boys, you are still little. And though you couldn't possibly know it yet, you're making me so much better. I'm a better wife. ...because I am praying for yours. May I model the woman you might one day seek out: - One who loves her husband...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...