Thinking about having another baby? Wait, back up!....Have you had your first baby yet? (Start there, first, trust me!) Regardless, when it comes to wanting to have children, some girls “know” from childhood, or thereabouts. Some girls begin to...
March is National Reading Month! If you're finding yourself dreading bedtime, it may be time to change up the routine. There's nothing sweeter than a calming bedtime story to help your children drift off to a peaceful sleep. Today we’re...
One of the constant questions many of us ask ourselves as parents is, “Am I doing enough to make sure my child is happy?” We often wonder if we are providing the foundation they need in order to grow...
My favorite title is Mama. Mom. Mommy. Whatever my children call me. I am the only person on earth that gets that title to my three. Gosh, I’m so incredibly grateful.  This job is so good, so hard, so beautiful....
Nomophobia. Ever heard of it? If you have a tween or teen living in your house, you’ve probably witnessed the effects of it. Defined as a state of stress caused by having no access to or being unable to...
Here are some research-based tips to help an introvert mama to thrive, regarding crib versus co-sleeping, and general personal wellness! There are two different schools of thought, which can be unfairly and inadequately distilled down to “fostering independence” versus...
Let's get you psyched up for your Valentine’s Day with these Top 5 Tips! They will - Presto! - put the spark back into a sparkling gaze at your partner for this holiday! I say, “back” because it’s likely...
When my kids were little and I would announce that we were going to the doctor’s, the first frantic question out of their mouths was always, “Do I have to get any shots?” They want to know if there...
"Mom, I can't do it!" How many times have you heard your kids say this? I've heard it many times in my house. Recently, our family has been learning about using a "growth mindset." Have you heard this buzz...
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a common question that all young kids get asked.  And as our children grow older, that question often transforms and gets asked of us, their parents. Let's move...
Want to lead, love, and launch your kids? Yes, please. In 2014, Keith and Amy Carney, set out on an epic journey to parent on purpose. With a set of triplet boys and a daughter not far behind, life...
The holidays are over and frankly, we’re all just a little exhausted. While December is a month that can be full of some wonderful time with family and friends, it can also be draining for everyone – particularly if you...
Is it me or has Target become the modern-day mom's sanctuary? Target was the first place I went to after my first baby was born and it led to so many emotions. Anxiety with leaving the baby yet a...
I adore the holidays. The magic, the twinkling lights, the sweaters. Who in Scottsdale doesn’t love getting out their riding boots and pretending it’s cold enough to wear them? But, my love for Christmas begins to wane by mid-December....
  Get your baby to sleep through the night: Math does it! Calculating sanity for the parents of an infant? Actually, it’s just simple addition, but it feels like magic! Below, you will read about the formula, literally, that leads...
Does your child have anxiety or other mental health issues? Has this led to struggles in the school setting? My kids both have anxiety and this has made it challenging to navigate school at times. Unfortunately, most schools are...
Get your baby to sleep through the night, and get prepared! Always set your intention to begin with, bearing in mind, this is a journey that requires determination and, some level of perseverance. A stiff spine and nerves of...
When it came time to wean a stubborn toddler from the breast, it was very difficult to find any helpful and practical information on the “how-to” of weaning toddlers.  Trust me, I tried.  I Googled every keyword I could...
With school in full swing again this year it is time to start thinking (if you haven’t already) about getting your kids out of their summer routine and focusing on more than just their popsicles. Today I want to...
Having a picky eater is something almost every mom can relate to! Thankfully, Dr. Rachel Buck, a pediatrician from Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics – Paradise Valley graciously agreed to answer your most asked questions!  If you wonder any of the following, join us...
Childhood obesity awareness may be something that is hard to talk about. It may be uncomfortable or challenging to know which questions to ask. Thankfully, Dr. Rachel Buck, a pediatrician from Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics – Paradise Valley graciously agreed to...
While we don’t yet know what the long-term consequences will be for our tweens and teens who lived through Covid-19 during some of the most formative years of their lives, we do know that the experience was super challenging...
Strategies to help calm an anxious child are one of the most important tools a parent should have in their tool kit. Dr. Ali Vanatta from a pediatrician from Phoenix Children’s Pediatrics – Scottsdale graciously agreed to answer your most asked...
Constipation is one of those topics that I had no idea I would ask so many questions about as a mom! Thankfully Dr. Sara Kertz, a pediatrician from Phoenix Children's Pediatrics - Paradise Valley graciously agreed to answer your...
What is No Comment parenting. Well, when your kids are really young, you are always looking for advice from fellow parents. Playgroup gatherings are perfect opportunities to ask other moms about sleep issues, potty training, and temper tantrum strategies. As...
One of the many hats I wear - outside of being a mom of three of the best kiddos in the world - is that I am a licensed child and adolescent therapist and a registered play therapist™. The...

Fighting Mom Anxiety

I’m just going to say it. As a mom, the idea of work life balance is unreal, unattainable and unhealthy. It’s no wonder that motherhood puts you at a higher risk of depression and anxiety. There is no balance. When I...
The Power of Following Your Dreams An Interview with Kelly Lydick, M.A. by Peter Maich Kelly Lydick, M.A. is an entrepreneur, author, and Gateway Dreaming® coach. These are powerful words that stir the imagination and spurn the idea of possibility. For...
My first born headed to Kindergarten last week and I am not okay. I know that I will learn to deal with it and eventually I’ll be okay, but for now I am not. I also know that he...
Earlier this month I hung up the world's smallest uniform skort and stared at it trying not to cry. It’s a size 3 that I dug out of the used uniform bin at school since her older sister’s hand-me-downs...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Three Unique Places To Host A Birthday Party

I have a secret obsession with planning birthday parties. I do not do anything over the top or too extravagant, but I really enjoy...