I recently had the chance to sit down with the owners and creators of Dependable Divas, Erika and Kerry. This mother and daughter team have built an amazing business all around getting organized. If you're like me, then you've probably...
I want more time. I know this isn’t a revolutionary concept, but as I embark into the New Year, I’d like to find ways to be more productive and less “busy.” Can I get an “Amen?” One way I plan on doing this in...
Editor's Note: Please join us in welcoming Kelli to our contributor team! She has a 2 year old daughter and is ready to share her parenting advice, wisdom and ideas with the local community.  We’re about one month into the...
 When I found out I was the SMB blogger getting a house cleaning from locally owned company, Queen of Maids IT MADE MY DAY!-heck it made my year! Not having to clean my bathrooms or my tile floors for...
In our family we have three weeks of back to school. Three. First, my third grader goes back. Then, my 11th grader. Then, my college student. (Did I just type that?) If I am only 32 years old (in...
In this series we'll tell you about the top 3 new things we're loving in AZ. New places and activities are popping up around town all the time. Follow along for new restaurants, recipes, experiences and other things you're...
The season of holiday parties - so fun, and yet so busy because 9 times out of 10 you will be asked to bring an appetizer. Below are links for fabulous party appetizers that will leave your hostess begging...
Valentine's Day is right around the corner! What better way to celebrate with your kids than a fun craft that involves gardening, upcycling, and lots of sparkly Valentine's hearts? I am not usually a super-crafty mom but my love...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by spreading love and joy with your little ones? Here are some delightful activities and ideas that will make this Valentine's Day a memorable and...
A few weeks ago, a few of our contributors had the pleasure of meeting Stephanie Lucas, MS, RD, the owner of GiveGarden, at Mom Made Market. They walked away absolutely impressed with the company's mission and service. They both...
Huggies generously offered one SMB Contributor some coveted Little Snugglers as a swap for an honest review. So easy!!! Let us tell you why they're the best!
These are SMB's favorite things for 2017! These amazing sponsors helped us spoil our contributors with gifts and giveaways and we want to share them with you too. Check out these amazing products and services.
Valley Fever, also known as Coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides, which lives in the soil in the southwestern US, parts of Mexico, and Central and South America. People, and house pets, can get Valley Fever by breathing...
All this week we have been featuring the best gifts! Holiday shopping can be stressful and we want to share our favorite gifts for giving, to make it a little easier for you to find those great presents for everyone...
Today we’re highlighting a few of our favorite items from the Best Gifts for Babies Shopping Guide. If it’s been a few years since you've bought a gift for a baby, you’ll be amazed by some of the awesome...
{Steph} Oh goodie, goodie, goodie, goodie!  I love everything about feeding my family.  I know... it might sound weird but one of my favorite places in our home is the kitchen.  It's where all of the fun happens, right? So...
Can you believe Mother's Day is NEXT WEEKEND? I love Mother's Day... it really is one of my all-time favorite holidays :). Of course every day is Mother's Day in our world, but if you want to make May 8...

EMMA Magazine

If you're anything like me, you're always looking for new inspiration. I know I'm constantly looking for different and new ideas, fresh ways to encourage others, relatable inspiration, or just things to brighten my day. Life can be hard....
While the holidays come every year, it still manages to sneak up on us quickly, leaving little time to create efficiencies in this happy madness. This will be our fourth Christmas as parents and we are fortunate enough to have very thoughtful family members...
This month we are sharing why we love Kendra Scott and an amazing eye cream on our Thank You Thursday. Check out these businesses and products for yourself!
Marie "KonMari" Kondo's life mission is to organize the world and spark joy in people’s lives. Her bestselling book, "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up," is not only a quick read but a great catalyst for change in...
There’s been a major shift in our world recently and there are things I said I would never do that I am now forced to rethink, like homeschooling; specifically homeschooling during the Covid-19 Quarantine. In the midst of finding...

Insurance 101

Hey mamas, who can agree that insurance is certainly one of those things that can seem intimidating and time consuming? I know I have been there. Our insurance renewal was right around the corner but we knew our current...
The holidays and cards go hand and hand. You send out greetings and receive warm wishing. Some present as folded artistic bulletins. However, most arrive to you in the form of smiling faces of people close to your heart...
As my daughter got closer to school age, I started to notice more and more stories of bullying and child suicide in the news. Kids are picked on for how they look, who they are, and even for medical...
My husband and I have been eating healthier. Cutting out the carbs. And trying to eat as clean as possible. Basically we have been eating a modified Paleo diet. It has been great, but....we have three children. And I have to...
March 14 is National Pi Day. If it's been a few years since you've heard about pi, it's the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. While this mathematical concept is very important, the concept is lost on...
  From burns and scrapes to sniffles and fevers, I've compiled a list of home remedy favorites by our very own Scottsdale Mom's Blog Contributors. It’s sometimes surprising to know that what you have in your pantry just might prevent a...
Scottsdale has no shortage of salons, spas, and med spas for all sorts of treatments. If you are looking into getting a treatment, whether it's hair removal or body contouring, may we suggest Light RX Scottsdale?  This past spring, I...
Do you guys remember that viral post a few years back about soaking your feet in Listerine and white vinegar?  It was all over the internet from Facebook to Pinterest and everywhere in between.  I have always been curious...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...