The Diaper Wearers count in my house is currently 2: The just-turned-three-year-old-who-thinks-potty-training-is-a-bore and the just-born-three-week-old-who-thinks-diapers-are-free.
It’s a whole, poo ridden, diaper changing partay at our house…
When Huggies-the-Super-Generous offered a wee little SMB Contributor some Little Snugglers for free in exchange for an honest assessment, I was like, “YAAAS!” These are the ‘creme de la creme’ of diapers, and it’s no prob to tell you why.
They’re breathable and super soft. The teeny sizes (N-2) boast this “GentleAbsorb” liner that does a powerhouse job of wicking moisture away from the littlest bums (aww!). My newborn appreciated the umbilical cord cut-out, and the color-changing wetness indicator takes out the guesswork for us foggy-headed, sleep deprived mamas. Huggies’ breathable outer cover means no sweaty, sticky baby/toddler skin, and I loooove knowing that all sizes are fragrance and lotion free. Plus, the cute, classic Disney graphics are fun for slightly older kiddos.
Best of all: That pocketed back waistband means no poops up the back!! We’ve all been there. Admit it… You let the non-Huggies-wearing, sleeping newborn lie, tuning out the audible toots, only to later scoop up said Sweetie Pie and find horror of horrors: he’s poo’d up to his neck. And out the sides. Like molten lava.
Suddenly your to-do list involves not just a diaper change, but a full on bath + laundry + bleach + keeping the dog away as you whisk the poor babe at full arm-extention distance to the nearest sink. Admit it.
And for this reason, if nothing else, I do hereby solemnly pledge my undying love and loyalty to you, Huggies. Mama ain’t got time to shower herself — much less to be giving unplanned baths to the babe.
*Bonus alert!!* Huggies diapers are eligible for Sam’s Club pickup.
“Sam’s Club pickup? What’s that?” you ask? So slick! It’s a free service that allows Sam’s Club members to order online and pick up in club at your ease and convenience. You just:
- Shop online — choosing items (oh hey, Huggies!) marked “Pickup in Club”
- Select your pickup time. Can be as early as the next day. And if you’re worried that you’ll get Mom Brain and forget about your order, don’t fret. Sam’s will shoot you an email or a text when your stuff is ready.
- Show up and Check in! Just hop onto the Club Pickup kiosk right inside, make your presence known, and watch your car be loaded while you stand (or sit!) in one place. It’s basically a spa experience.
Check out the Huggies Home Page HERE! And let this link take you to their super handy sizing chart. Again: no guesswork required.
Huggies, thanks for making a great product and for making it available to this contributor. We’ll continue to model them proudly (times 2!).
#MyHuggiesBaby #baby