This is Part 4 of our series on Being a Working Mom.  If you missed Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 check them out. ***** I've never met anyone who's marriage didn't change after having a baby. It's pretty incredible how much your...
Did you just get that Mom's Night Out Evite asking you out for drinks?  Does saying "yes" to a random invite make your stomach turn? Are you unsure what to expect?  Is it even worth your time? I believe...
I have always been a fan of checklists and routines (you should see my holiday checklist binders). During this chaotic time of uncertainty we are all facing a disruption in our normal routines which can be stressful. We are...
May, the month we celebrate moms and motherhood, presents the perfect time to talk about…suffering. Yes, suffering. More specifically, how we shouldn’t waste the suffering that so frequently goes hand in hand with motherhood. And we can all agree...
My sweet husband and I just welcomed our third bundle of joy, giving us three under five -- two in diapers.  What were we thinking?? Also, who in their right mind has a third kid in August in Phoenix?! (...but that's another...
I think that it is a safe assumption that most of us have a iPhone in our hands or nearby during a large portion of our day. It is how we communicate with each other through a phone conversation, email or...
  When you find that your fancy purse is filled with cheerios and your stilettos are gathering dust, it's time to to call in reinforcements before you fully commit to flip flops and yoga pants. Grab your girlfriends and schedule a much-deserved...
I remember the days I dreamt of having a part-time job. When I worked full-time, with two young children and one on the way, I  fantasized about cuddly moments with the kids. All the things we would do together -...
10 Ways to Launch Great Days? Tap Morning Mindfulness! Your kiddos’ perspective on each new day can greatly benefit from your modeling and/or facilitating the practice of purposefully paying attention to the present, internally and externally, otherwise known as...
Practical ways to honor and celebrate the man in your life this Father's Day. Let's face it, the world makes a pretty big deal about Mother's Day. I mean, its a REAL holiday. Brunch reservations are made, flowers are bought;...
Dear "Should", I am so over you. "Should". You are a burden. You are intrusive. You are the source of Mommy Wars and exhaustion, laughably high standards and soul-deadening guilt. You are wearying. You are unwelcome. "Should". I am so much more than your bleak message. We moms...
10 years.  Can you believe it?  I know I can’t.  In the last 10 years I feel as if a lifetime has passed and yet the minute I begin to recall the events of that fateful day in September...
Everyone knows that being a working mom doesn't mean that you don't put your kids first. It doesn't mean that you love them less or that you don't WANT to be home with them full time. I AM a...
I am beyond thrilled to be able to introduce myself to you! My name is Jessica Williams and I am a wife, mother, and business owner with our own photography business as Session Nine Photographers. I have been so...
For all the first-time moms or moms with young kids - this one's for you! Coming across my eldest's baby book the other day, I found myself giggling at all the things I had written about, which, at the time seemed...
Thinking about having another baby? Wait, back up!....Have you had your first baby yet? (Start there, first, trust me!) Regardless, when it comes to wanting to have children, some girls “know” from childhood, or thereabouts. Some girls begin to...
I struggled to write this month’s blog post. I was having a hard time getting back into the school routine. I was forgetting things, running late, and constantly feeling one step behind. My husband had started traveling again after...
Even though I was lonely after my divorce, I knew that I wouldn’t be ready to date until I took the time to let my broken heart heal. People would bring up online dating, and I would brush it...
Not even 24 hours after being back from a family vacation and I already felt the feeling of overwhelmed. It was like a weight pressing on my shoulders, each unfinished task adding an extra pound. I know I’m not...
Ah, summer...  Here in Arizona, it's the magical time of year when we who so shamelessly boasted about our wintertime awesomeness Zip-A-Lip and hunker down with 1 hand in the freezer and the other on the ceiling fan remote...
Mother's Day is a special day to show love and appreciation for all that motherhood and mothers mean to us. Everyone acknowledges our great contribution to the world and society for bringing life into the world. Our children are babies,...
Hi! I’m Kimberly Bee (kb) from Kimberly Jarman Studios, a couture photography boutique specializing in portraits and weddings. I’m honored to be guest blogging on such a wonderful online resource for mamas just like myself! The Kimberly Jarman team...
So, I was watching an episode of “The Worst Case Scenario: With Bear Grylls” where Bear’s SUV breaks down in the desert during a road trip.  In true Bear Grylls fashion, he proceeds to tell everyone how to survive...
Can I be honest with you? I can?  Oh good.  Great, thanks. I have kind of been in a Mom funk lately.  In the midst of day-to-day activities and the monotony of motherhood I just can’t seem to find the...
Definition of multi-task:  the concurrent performance of several jobs by one person; the performance of multiple tasks at one time. If you would like to learn how to be a pro at multitasking, have a baby and go back to...
Holiday planning can be difficult for a divorced parent. I never imagined seeing my child’s face light up on Christmas morning, every other year. This is the fifth year I will enjoy the holidays as a single mom. Each...
You’ve been to Target and Walmart, then went back home and filled your Amazon cart with school supplies. Backpacks bought. Pencils and pens procured. School shoes scored. The kids are all set for the first day of school, but...
Last week, I talked about what is the most appropriate use of Facebook.  Bottom line: Be Friendly ;-)  Today, let's look at another aspect of Facebook... the dark side.  Duhn Duhn Duhn... We often use Facebook as a platform to voice our...
I am all about some shamrock shaped sugar cookies with green sprinkles to celebrate the Luck O’ The Irish…but in recent years I found a recipe I love. Please note that this treat is for all of you PARENTS.  This...
Do you ever wish you could improve the overall “flow” of your household’s hectic schedule? My husband and I recently incorporated “weekly review” meetings to our routine. It’s been a game changer in reigning in our chaotic calendar and keeps...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...