My brother and his wife are expecting twins any day now. As my family impatiently waits for the second set of twins to be born in my family, I started thinking about those must have baby items that no...
Not sure if you guys have noticed, but we live in something of a digital age. I, more than most, retain an affinity for the old fashioned... I make pen-to-paper to-do lists and include items already completed just to give them a...
Hi mamas! This post about maternity leave on a budget is so timely for summertime in the Valley, and since we recently met a bunch of new moms at Mom's On The Move, we thought we'd make a few...
February of 2013, we met a very special little redhead that we are now in the process of adopting. In October of 2012, my husband Brian and I decided to grow our family by adoption. We contacted an agency and...
If you’re just tuning in, Renee is a local mama of 1 little boy and is chronicling her second pregnancy as part of  The Belly Diaries.  Click here to read the first post in her series,  here to learn about the “cowboy big-brother”,...
If you’re just tuning in, Renee is a local mama of 1 little boy and is chronicling her second pregnancy as part of  The Belly Diaries.  Click here to read the first post in her series,  here to learn about the "cowboy big-brother",...
Snapshot One: I looked in the mirror as I slid on a pair of size-zero Gap khaki capris.  I was nearly six months pregnant with my first baby and my gaunt frame was still shrinking.  At this point I had...
  If you’re just tuning in, Renee is a local mama of 1 little boy and is chronicling her second pregnancy as part of  The Belly Diaries.  Click here to read the first post in her series and here for her 30 weeks...
If you’re just tuning in, Renee is a local mama of 1 little boy and is chronicling her second pregnancy as part of  The Belly Diaries.   Click here to read the first post in her series.   My son is obsessed with...
I don’t think the tiny blue lines had fully appeared on my first pregnancy test before I was packing for the hospital. Impatience?  My weakness.  Being organized?  My specialty. I read a few pregnancy books before the real deal and A...
One of our favorite and most popular series is here again! Join us for the next several months as we follow one Scottsdale mom through the highs and lows; excitement and preparation; and all the other million little things that...
Ultrasounds are always exciting. It's a chance to see your baby, to find out the gender, and of course, to make sure that everything is looking good in there. So while they are certainly fun, there is also that...
A common question in adoption is whether or not to jump birth order when bringing home a child through adoption. By this I mean, if you have biological children, would you bring home a child older than your oldest...
Happy Labor Day! Of course we're not taking the day off  (We are all moms after-all!) Instead, we're taking the opportunity of labor day to share the wonderful news about our latest SMB labor! Introducing contributor Heather Terveen's precious new addition: Charlotte...
So, the cat was out of the bag a couple of months ago, but I haven't officially announced it here. The Big News?  Yes, my husband, family and I are EXPECTING our THIRD baby in February!   We are SO excited...
photo via my Vintage Nautical baby shower on Dream Book Design No, no, I am not pregnant...but I do have about a million girlfriends that are. Most with their first, but some with their second! While thinking about second babies...
To my pre-child self: Well, hello there skinny. I know that you are wishing that you could lose those three pounds you gained over Christmas, but that’s nothing compared to the weight yo-yo you will enjoy in your child-bearing years. Find grace...
Pregnancy Resource Well sweet SMB friends, I don’t think I’ve officially-officially posted it on here yet, but I’m happy to announce I’m pregnant with baby #3! I’m 24-weeks pregnant with our third girl and we are super excited (and a...
Scottsdale Moms Blog co-founder Steph Flies announced her pregnancy here on the blog during our pregnancy week back in September, and we're thrilled to officially announce the birth of her third sweet girl! Audrey Mae Flies February 27th, 2013 3:55 am 7 lb...
I joyfully share my heart with another woman. When my husband and I began our adoption journey about a decade ago, we felt led to pursue international adoption. Although it was not THE reason for choosing this route, the...
Remember earlier this summer when it felt like almost everyone here at SMB was expecting? Remember how we decided to celebrate with a Pregnancy Week Series? Remember all those fun pregnancy posts? Remember all the beautiful maternity photos taken...
When our daughter, Sophie, was 6 months old (and I was actively taking birth control pills) the last thing I expected to see in our home was a positive pregnancy test!  I mean, we wanted to have a third...
Today is the 75th anniversary of the March of Dimes, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing premature births and helping families with premature babies. The White House is changing their lights to purple to commemorate this day and give...
Scottsdale Moms Blog co-founder Joy Cherrick and her family were expecting a mid-January baby, but this sweet boy had other plans... Please help us welcome David Warren Cherrick! born to Joy, Kevin, big sister Reagan and big brother Elliot on December 27...
Please help all of us at Scottsdale Moms Blog welcome... ...Chet Johnson! Our contributor Cate, her husband Sean, and four very excited older siblings welcomed baby Chet on November 29. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 5 oz and measured 19.5...
On Tuesday we showed you the two most darling newborn in all of Scottsdale - Auggie and Anna Drew, as photographed by Anna Hollister - and today we thought we'd update you on the bellies that remain in the...
I had my first baby in my early 20s. I was starry-eyed, a bit naive and the ultimate optimist (oh, and strong-willed and opinionated...)  In keeping with that mentality, I was hell-bent on enlisting the help of a downright...
This post is sponsored by the Insception iPregnancy App. More information available here. Pregnancy is an event of its own kind in life, an event that changes your life forever by granting you responsibility of a new life. However, it...
Guilty! Yes, I’m guilty. I did it! The day my son turned one, I went ahead and flipped his car-seat to face him forward. Now, before you judge, I had my reasons for doing this. First of all, I didn’t...
We are continuing our series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor, who answers Scottsdale Moms Blog readers’ breastfeeding questions once a month. You can read previous Q & A posts with “Dear Andi” here. This time around Andrea...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Watch the wildflowers bloom in Arizona

When I moved to Arizona in 2009, I had no idea that I was in for some of the most beautiful wildflower hunting I'd...