Self-care is often overlooked and pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Especially this year, as stress and uncertainty has taken over a majority of our lives. Nonetheless, self-care is extremely important as it helps encourage maintaining healthy...
What if I were to tell you that I have a love/dislike relationship with Christmas?  I don’t normally tell people this because instead of trying to understand further, I’m usually shut down with hearing all about how much the...
Two weeks ago my youngest daughter started feeling sick. Because we knew numbers were going up and there was a chance she was exposed, we got her tested immediately with a rapid test.  Shortly after taking the test, we received...
If you are a parent already dreaming about a reset in 2021, you are not alone.  For many modern families an organized home life with a reliable work, home and school schedule sounds like the best holiday gift or...
My four-year-old little boy confidently hopped on a two-wheel bicycle for the first time this past weekend and rode off into the sunset like he’s known how his whole life.  He can thank the time spent cruising around on his balance bike...
In a time when it feels like the world is trying to suck the life out of me, there are a number of things that are actually giving me life.  Some of my “life saving” things are frivolous and...
Parents, kids, and teachers all love a year when Halloween falls on a weekend night, and no one has to get up early for school the next morning suffering from a candy-hangover. Well, as luck would have it, our pandemic-year...
You know how most of us use our 2 legs and feet to take us from point A to point B? Most of us are also able to stand up/sit down at will. Well some of us, like my...
I changed my child’s legal name when he was two years old.  It was a whole entire process, but my husband and I are so glad we did it.  If you’ve ever considered changing your child’s name for one...
September means that our teenagers are back to school, but this year, school for them is anything but normal. Some of them may be learning in actual classrooms wearing masks, some of them may be doing a hybrid-type schedule,...
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine tackling online learning with a first grader. When things started closing down due to COVID-19, I knew organization and routine would be key for our busy daughter. We filled our day...
If it seems like there’s a national day for just about everything now, you’d be right. In the month of August alone, we can celebrate National Days for mustard, oysters, and even cherry popsicles. Who knew? Like many Americans, I...
If you’re thinking about getting braces or clear aligners for your child, you may have wondered which orthodontic treatment option makes the most sense for your family. Did you know that an increasing number of teens, pre-teens and even...
Reading a back to school book on the night before the first day of school is a tradition many families share. It's a great way to bond, share in the excitement, and calm any worries. However, you probably won't...
National Relaxation Day is August 15   Taking a moment to relax sounds almost frivolous, doesn’t it?  Well, let me reassure you, Mama, that it most certainly is not.   Taking the time to rest and relax is beyond beneficial to a tired mama...
Two years ago we lost our precious second born in the womb. This left me with so many questions and a complete distrust of the current medical system. I went to fetal specialists and genetics counselors only to find...
I don’t have time to hold your guinea pig. Are you ever in the middle of a text, a deadline, the end of a compelling movie or on the back deck eating the last chocolate cookie and here they...
I'd like to believe that we've all advocated for something or for someone at some point in our lives. As children, maybe we stood up for ourselves or someone else. Maybe we've supported a good cause, or perhaps we've...
do hard things

Do the Hard Things

The other day I told my husband that in the future I think I’ll look back on this current season of life as my favorite—this season of staying home with my babies. He looked at me surprised, and said,...
If living through a pandemic has taught us anything, it's that family is everything. During normal times, it's easy to get caught up in the grind of rushing out the door in the morning, coming home after school, rushing...
That universal whine of childhood: “I’m bored.” As parents, we’ve all heard it countless times, and have all struggled with how to respond. Handing your kid some kind of screen is so tempting, with its almost magical ability to quiet...
Trusting Connections Nanny Agency continues their commitment of supporting families when they need it the most by offering a FREE webinar, “Pandemic Parenting: Planning for Fall” on Thurs., July 9 at 7:00 p.m. They are also excited to announce...
With pregnancy comes ten months of prepping. We buy pregnancy books to learn how our body is changing, we scour the internet for articles on the best baby products and we take countless classes on breastfeeding, breathing and more....
My husband and I are finally catching up on sleep after a handful of years where consistent sleep just didn't happen. So why, WHY am I still so tired?    The worry. The worry makes me tired. 
Achieving work-life balance isn’t easy, especially without our normal routines. Now that remote work has been the norm for quite some time, it’s crucial to make sure the whole family strives for healthy habits. For parents struggling with balancing...
By Kris Smooke, Owner/Instructor Tiny Hands Learning About Baby Signs Wouldn’t it be great if you had a window into your baby’s thoughts and growing personality? Actually, you do! Open up the lines of communication with your baby using signs that...
Summer is here and we all know that means larger energy bills. I am always looking for ways to save big on energy bills and to teach my daughter to be more environmentally conscious. Energy bills are so expensive and...
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Winston Churchill is credited with first saying this in the mid-1940s as we were approaching the end of World War ll. As the world around us seems to be slowly reopening,...
Being a mom during these times is so exhausting. We are suddenly full time cooks, teachers, house cleaners, activity coordinators, and expert online shoppers. Managing our household has now been taken to a level I don't think any of...
I thought I hit the due-date jackpot. An April due date meant I didn’t have to be pregnant in the summer. I thought about the poor women who had to go through the hot summer months carrying around the...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...