Motherhood.   You don't get it until you do it.   Several times I've called my dear friends (who all had kids before me), simply to say, "I'm sorry... I just didn't know!!!" Some habits that toddler moms (and I suspect any-stage moms!) might...
It’s been almost a year since I made a career transition from the corporate world to the SAHM world, and surprisingly, I feel like I’m just now finding my footing. Why did it take me so long? You’d think I’d...
Practicing yoga with your baby is a great way to strengthen your muscles, relax your mind with breath control, and promote bonding with your little one! To start, you need a yoga mat, should be wearing comfortable workout clothes, and...
A few years back, there was a blog I followed that did “Not Me Mondays.” Bloggers and Mamas linked up to share their not-so-superhero mommy moments. It always gave me a good laugh and served as a reminder that...
I’ve always been on top of my game… until I had kids. Then the game changed from “do it perfectly” to “get it done.” But it’s been hard to let go of my perfectionist mantra. I held onto it...
Recently, my husband and I decided to send our (almost) three year old to preschool. Since I am mostly a stay at home mom, I got a lot of questions about why we think he needs to go to...
When your child brings home a piece of paper explaining their latest book report (an historical poem and diorama on Betsy Ross), you shudder more violently than your 3rd grader because you don’t want to go to the library...
What happened to the fun me? In the midst of the day-to-day routines of marriage, kids, work, and shuttling between schedules, we often get caught up in just getting through the day and getting stuff done. Even though we all go...
February in Arizona. Lounging at the park while the children play, dipping our toes into the still-chilly pool... freaking out when we see our first scorpion of the year. Yep, frighteningly, it's that time of year when the temperatures...
Thin Mints are no brainers; Just like Tagalongs. The husband would never forgive if you came home without. So, in truth, there's no doubt: These six are for your marriage...
  Our contributor, Renee, makes the most beautiful wreaths for every celebration! She is sharing her tips on how to make your own Valentine's Day wreath!  Confession: I LOVE to decorate for the holidays. My husband is thankful that we don’t...
I've been thinking a lot about friends lately... As you grow older and lives change, your friendships change. I have to admit, swallowing those changes used to be really tough for me. I got engaged first, married first, had...
For all the first-time moms or moms with young kids - this one's for you! Coming across my eldest's baby book the other day, I found myself giggling at all the things I had written about, which, at the time seemed...
Are you looking to add more fun and connection to your life - and your family life - this year?  Here are three ideas you can use to start your year on a positive note. 1) Donate your time or...
Imagine setting a goal for the year. Think you'll do better pushing through by yourself, or working with someone to guide you, encourage you, and hold you accountable? Yep, that's right. As my brother says, Teamwork makes the Dream Work....
In the past, I’ve written resolutions. By mid-February these goals are lost in the shuffle. For the last few years, I've opted to reject resolutions and chose to focus on adopting one word that will set the tone for...
Whether you are one to create New Year’s resolutions or not, most of us put some thought into what we want to change, create, accomplish or be in the new year. And why not? There is great collective energy...
If you are like me in planning, I'm sure you have been thinking about your New Year's Resolutions. As mothers, we are natural planners, thinkers, and mostly go-go-goers and doers! Yet, in spite of our good intentions, these plans...
New Year's Resolutions. They aren't just for grown-ups. Ah, a brand new year. A clean slate. Fresh beginnings.  A chance to cast off the old and put on the new. Just like a diaper. 2014 was a particularly big year for me; A milestone...
It's been a whirlwind hasn't it? The crazy busy holiday season has finally come to an end and now your home looks BARE! When I look at my home after the holidays I am met with mixed emotions. On one...
Every year post-Christmas, you contemplate how you are going to start the new year on the right foot. If your new year's resolutions look something like the items below, you have a 99% chance of sabotaging yourself quickly. Get Organized:...
10) You stroll each of Target's home decor aisles, repeating: "Would she like that? Would she like that?? ......Would IIIII like that?????" 9) You bake cookies for the neighbors. And then bake more to actually take to the neighbors. 8) The fur-lined parkas come...
Not sure of a plan for the the influx of games, dolls, blocks, and anything Frozen-themed coming your way this holiday season? Give your future self an advantage by getting the playroom ready BEFORE the toys arrive! Here are...
While we dream of sugar plums, baking cookies, and sending adorable family photos, the holiday reality is often more like an over-committed, over-run, over-baked season with yet another year that the Hanukkah or Christmas cards went out as Happy...
Every blog or news feature about gift-giving lists the must-haves or top holiday gifts. My list is the MUST-NOTs this holiday season. MUST-NOT GIFTS FOR KIDS. It has a nice ring to it. 1) Pottery Barn Kids Skeeball Machine: I am...
We made it. Our family survived our first, full Phoenix summer. And, all I can say is -- WOW.  That desert heat is no joke! "It was so mild," you tell me......  "We got off easy," they say. All I...
It seems that I have unofficially broken up with Facebook and I’m having a full-fledged affair with Instagram.  I love Instagram. Really, I do. (Pictured from top left corner, counter clockwise, to top right corner: Kristen Forgione, Alex Evjen, Heather...
Truth: If you serve more than two meals a day in a vehicle, you are a road warrior. If you have, at any given time, ice packs in coolers filled with snacks & dinner, you are a road warrior....
I served in the United States Air Force for four years. I had just graduated high school and I was young, naïve, ill-prepared for a life on my own…BUT, I was courageous enough to take a leap because I...
As a mom, you are worried sometimes that you yell at your kids and you wonder if that is all that they will remember about you. You worry about their school schedules, eating habits and their health. These worries...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...