I'm mentally admiring the now-famous Instagram account of the little girl who, with the help of her super-creative mom, created adorable outfits out of paper that are now being made into real-life threads by J Crew… then I look at my...
I'm back with more favorite local finds on Instagram to share. You can visit my first post regarding local vendors on IG here. Take a look below and make use of your follow button on Instagram! A Bakeshop: @abakeshop Follow...
A short disclaimer: Every mom chooses the best form of nourishment for their child-one that works for their body, baby, and lifestyle. This is my personal experience with nursing, one that I wanted to share with fellow moms. Let’s...
Oh haaai, friend. Pull up a chair. La ti da. That? Oh, nothing. Just the remnants of a cinnamon bun that baby-in-the-tummy and I consumed without sharing a single bite with anyone else. And the mug? It held in its loving care...
I have loved reading my entire life. It is my way to wind down at the end of the day and forget about whatever my current stresses in life are. Reading is a way for me to continue to grow...
I’m in a somewhat unique position having been both a working mom and a stay at home mom, so I'm very familiar with the stereotypes of both situations. Although most people mean well, there are certain generalizations that are so...
My husband travels for his job. He genuinely loves his job, and I love that he loves his job. However, our home life isn’t always like everyone else that has a husband/dad with a 9-5 career. Some days that...
I love discovering new places to go, things to do and fads to try. It might just be my thing. Once I find something new that I absolutely LOVE, I have to tell everyone about it. This is all I...
I never understood why parents got so emotional about their child starting school until about a week before watching my oldest walk through the door of her Kindergarten classroom. While exciting, it also made me sad and I had trouble...
It's no secret. You guys know how I feel about summertime around here. And you can sugar coat it all you want with your talk of "dry heat" and "but remember winter"... You get as cranky as I do -...
I recently attended an awesome creative workshop called The School of Styling (you can read more about my experience there on my blog) where one of the speakers, who was first a successful personal blogger before launching a widely...
Like most of the developed world, I listened to the Serial podcast last fall and became obsessed with the story, checking my phone virtually every 10 minutes on Thursday mornings in anticipation of the next episode being released. While...
For a long time I felt like I had one foot in the Arizona door and one foot out, ready to move at a moment’s notice to the nearest city that would get me back to my roots. My...
Don’t get us wrong, Summertime: It’s not that you’re an unwelcome guest. You SO VERY overstay your welcome. Anyone who comes on Memorial Day and leaves on Halloween without offering to help offset the increase in utilities is just plain rude.
Every spring as the number of school days left starts to dwindle down, I make the BEST plans for summer. I have visions in my head of my children not only sitting down every day to do workbooks, but finishing them and...
We are creeping through those long July days. I don't know about you, but the kids are starting to get a bit more restless now that the excitement of summer vacation and July 4th are OVER. If you are...
I think that it is a safe assumption that most of us have a iPhone in our hands or nearby during a large portion of our day. It is how we communicate with each other through a phone conversation, email or...
Like most first time parents-to-be, my husband and I read the baby books, took a birth prep class and decorated the nursery according to my Pinterest board. We checked off the checklists and felt confident we were prepared for anything...
We see each other at the grocery store, play dates, parks, church and gas stations. We are all busy. But when was the last time we were really a friend to someone? I have a newborn and I'd love to...
I am knee deep in toddler life. My oldest is at the end of the toddler spectrum, while my younger one is just learning the ropes. My life is loud, messy, and not nearly as punctual as I would...
  With summer officially here, who doesn’t need a few mom related life-hacks to make the days a little easier? The kids are home, and the days are longer. No matter whether you work out of the home, in the...
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s not. I have a love-hate relationship with Costco. The world’s choice of cheeses, deliciously prepared salads, easily ordered cakes, a month's supply of toilet paper, healthy options for kids’ lunches, free samples, inexpensive snack...
Some of us do this more than others and I will readily admit I am a bit fanatical, but when it comes to researching anything I will spend a significant amount of money on—I tend to follow a very...
When my son was born two years ago, I went back to work after a three-month maternity leave. I work at a school where the staff dress code is business casual, but I was growing tired of black and khaki...
All day long, mother's work so hard to take care of their family and home. Whether she is a working mom or a stay at home mom, her job is never ending and doesn't get any vacation days. Mother's...
I attended a friend's wedding with the man who later became my husband. During the father-daughter dance, he  leaned over and announced “that has to be one of the single best moments of having a daughter.” I was sold...
I remember the days I dreamt of having a part-time job. When I worked full-time, with two young children and one on the way, I  fantasized about cuddly moments with the kids. All the things we would do together -...
Hey SMB readers and local businesses! We are getting ready to launch our third annual Scottsdale Moms Blog Guide to Surviving Summer next month (yes, I am sorry, but summer is almost here...) The Guide has tons on great information...
Like many people these days, I find myself spending more time on Instagram rather than Facebook. I like that you actually have to put some thought into a photo, and possibly even a caption when posting on Instagram. I...
An important question every parent should ask: Are your kids safe online? As my kids have grown from plastic toys to tech  gadgets, I am struggling to allow them to play and learn, but safely.  Here are tips and tricks...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...