Over here at Scottsdale Moms we are celebrating 10 years of being the resource for all things Scottsdale. We are celebrating the millions of page views, thousands of articles, and dozens of events. And we couldn’t have done any of it without all of you. So thank you for attending our events, reading our articles and connecting on our social sites.
Here is our top ten list of the most read articles on Scottsdale Moms. We think this list pretty much represents all of us moms in Scottsdale. We are a little bit crafty, we love great family restaurants, and we are terrified of scorpions!
10. Top 5 Things to Do in Prescott :: {A Prescott Staycation}
9. Mommy Quick Tips | 3 Ways to Blackout Your Child’s Room
8. Scorpions- What to do if your child is stung
7. 8 Fun Local Restaurants For Families
6. Four Things That Helped My Morning Sickness (and one that didn’t)
5. Three Fun Halloween Craft Ideas
4. (EASY!) DIY Dinosaur Costume
3. DIY Craft & Gift Wrapping Storage for Under $30
2. Baby’s First Birthday Gift Ideas
1. 7 Things I’ve Learned {the hard way} About Scorpions
If you want to read all about where Scottsdale Moms began, you can do that here. And if you want to see all that Stephanie Flies has achieved with our parent group, City Moms Collective click here.