Janet Berry
Teaching Kids About Money
It was the week before Christmas and I had to make a quick stop by CVS with my 3-year-old in tow. As usual, he made a beeline to the toy aisle. I reminded him...
Fun, Free & Outdoors: Geocaching With Kids
When I first heard about geocaching, I pictured people combing the desert, armed with nothing but a compass, unearthing time-capsules. In other words, nothing I was interested in doing in my free time. Then,...
Tax Credit Donations Support Local Kids & Families
It’s hard to believe that 2015 is about to come to a close. Before we watch the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, consider making a cash donation to some local organizations. You’ll not...
A Thanksgiving Craft to Delight and/or Enrage
Years ago I worked at an insurance agency with a gal named Robin. Robin was hilarious, flamboyant, and fun. One day, about a month before Thanksgiving, Robin came in on a Monday morning wearing...
Retirement Saving for the Stay-at-Home Mom
When you’re working full-time, it’s easy to put retirement savings on auto-pilot: sign up for the 401(k) plan at work, have your contribution deducted from your paycheck, and (hopefully) watch the account grow. But when...
Supporting Education in Arizona
Living in Arizona brings lots of unique opportunities: year-round shorts weather, the ability to get away with a tiny coat closet, and the opportunity to take advantage of great tax benefits for supporting education...
Nine Podcasts to Keep You Informed & Inspired
Like most of the developed world, I listened to the Serial podcast last fall and became obsessed with the story, checking my phone virtually every 10 minutes on Thursday mornings in anticipation of the...
Tips to Make Working from Home Productive
I went back to work eight weeks after having my son, Cohen. It wasn’t easy, but I was fortunate. I was able to work part-time from home and part-time in the office and my...
Sunday Meal Planning Series {A Healthier Cobb Salad}
Our family eats a lot of salads during the summer. I’m fortunate that my three-year-old loves salad. Other vegetables are a challenge, but for some reason he likes salad.
Cobb salads have always been my...
A Busy Mom’s Guide to Amazon Subscribe & Save
I often wonder how my parents managed to raise a family without the one, crucial tool I use every day: Amazon.com. If I realize at 8pm that my 3-year old outgrew the shoes I...
Saving for Their Future: Education Saving Options & Benefits for Arizona Parents
Do you remember the moment you first held your newborn in your arms? You held him close, promised to protect him, and in the back of your mind wondered, “How the heck am I going...
4 Steps to Prevent Child Identity Theft
It’s all over the news: data breaches at Home Depot, Target, and Anthem; thieves filing fraudulent income tax returns to steal refunds. Identity theft is a growing problem in our information age. You take...
Child Care and Taxes: A Working Mom’s Guide
Editor's Note: We are SO LUCKY to have a CPA join the SMB team! Janet will be our resident expert on all things numbers, and her first post is just in time to help...