Father's Day is fast approaching. Have you found something special to give the dads and grandpas in your life? Recently, we made photo books for the kids' grandparents and great-grandparents. They turned out so well, I had to share....
It’s already May, which means that in my book, summer is here.  While some may measure this by the temperature outside or by the last day of school, I measure summer by what time the sun rises in the...
Maybe you keep a fancy wall calendar in the kitchen with every family members’ important dates: work/charity meetings, husband's travel dates, kids doctor appointments, soccer practices, etc. And maybe you are the mom who holds the Family Calendar sacred, like it's the heartbeat of the house...
My husband was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, home of the famous Kentucky Derby. I love bringing a little bit of the Derby traditions to Arizona (not that I ever need a reason to throw a party). You may...
I recently read a blog post about a person's favorite Pinterest fails.  You know, those things you pin and try that totally don't come out like anything closely resembling the original.  While this blog was hilarious and a great...
I don't know about you, but here at Casa Aaron, we're spending a ton of time outside, what with this gorgeous weather and all.  18-month old Sophie has been enjoying her little wading pool, begging for extra time in...
Have you had a chance to check out the 100 Days of Real Food Blog yet? It’s penned by Lisa Leake, a mom whose family (including her hubby and 3 and 5 year-old daughters) pledged to go 100 days without any...
As moms, we all have our different strengths. Some moms plan elaborate, fabulous parties, while other moms (like me) attend them. Some moms know exactly which details deserve full attention, while other moms (like me) can't quite figure out what it...
I think it's safe to say that we all grew up during the days of film and disposable cameras, when a trip to the Walgreens printer was just another errand and each of those photos was carefully placed between...

Dollar Store Candy Jar

Tomorrow (in case you forgot) is Valentines Day.  I have a love-hate relationship with this day.  While I hate the idea that Hallmark and society have orchestrated a day to celebrate love, I love the origin and meaning behind...
Taking time to take care of yourself now that you're a mom can be SO challenging. Isn't it so easy for this to be the first thing that flies out the window when you become a mamma? You’re exhausted...
Image courtesy of Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net We are officially in the 4th week of 2013, so how are those New Year’s resolutions working out? Have you stuck to your diet, exercise routine, or stopped those habits you said good bye...
This post is sponsored by Brillare Hair Academy. For more information visit their website. It's the internal struggle every mom, every household faces: to work outside of the home or not. Many women would love to contribute to their family’s income,...
This is very much a post that I never thought I would write.  My girls are 7, 5 and 3 and we have never had lice.  Every time I would hear of friends dealing with it I would sigh,...
About a year ago, during my 12 week ultrasound, I heard the sentence that I knew would change my life forever: "You're having a girl!"  A few hours later, I was on the phone with one of my best friends...

EMMA Magazine

If you're anything like me, you're always looking for new inspiration. I know I'm constantly looking for different and new ideas, fresh ways to encourage others, relatable inspiration, or just things to brighten my day. Life can be hard....
I am, what I like to call, a "stuffer." I stuff things I'm not sure where they go into drawers with the thought that "someday" I'll organize the drawer and find a spot for said random object. That's why I...
Do you have special family traditions shared every year on Christmas Eve? We sure do. We attend an early evening church service and then hustle back home to let our kids open one present – Christmas jammies that they...
If you are on Pinterest, you have probably seen lots of different ways to display the millions of holiday cards that arrive all season long. But I came up with an idea that we have been doing for a...
If I just had more hours in the day, I would craft and play in the local hobby store all the time! But I don't, so I have to choose my favorite crafts and incorporate them in my busy...
DIY Holiday Gift If you are looking for a fun, last-minute holiday gift that you can make (and enjoy yourself), I highly recommend making hard lotion bars. I recently tried these with my mom and we both had a lot...
Hello to all you Scottsdale Moms/Santa's Helpers out there! We're assuming that some of you may be in the same boat as a few of us... umm.. less-organized mommies and still have plenty of shopping left to do! If so,...
I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but one of my absolute, hands-down favorite things to do around the holiday season is baking.  If you live next door to me, you’d better believe that you’re getting a...
I like cooking. Really, I do. But I must admit motherhood has taken some of the joy out of it for me. Most evenings I find myself feeling like this… (Can I get an Amen?) And while I like cooking, I’m...
  I don’t usually tell my boys that we are going to do something fun until RIGHT BEFORE we do it. They can’t really comprehend time too well, and it’s easier if I wait until the perfect moment to declare...
Greetings on this fine turkey hangover day! I truly hope that your day yesterday was filled with happy memories, love from family both near and far, and a second helping of pumpkin pie. Now that the kitchen is cleaned up...
There are some amazing local moms in our community that make the most amazing handmade items. As we approach this holiday season, what better time to spotlight our local crafters and their upcoming markets than now! {Just so ya know...this...
I love that November has turned into a "month of thanks" on Facebook.  I have many friends who are participating in posting a status each day of what they are thankful for and I love reading them each day....
I admit it. For the last five years, I have hosted Thanksgiving four out of five times. I have purchased a pre-cooked Thanksgiving turkey each and every time I have hosted. I know what you’re thinking…I’m a total cheater. One can’t possibly...
Halloween is behind us. November is here (and so are the red holiday Starbucks cups!). I'm feeling the urge to get organized for the holiday season! If you're looking ahead too, here are some links from our archives to get you inspired,...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...