Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
Are you interested in becoming a contributor for Scottsdale Moms Blog? If you're local (Phoenix Metro area) and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! See our Guest Post Submission Guidelines for more information. We love fresh local voices!

Scottsdale Cooking Club: Husband’s Favorite :)

I am so excited to share about the SCC with all of you Mamas out there. The Scottsdale Cooking Club has officially commenced! We had our first meeting on Wednesday and let me tell...

Considering Home Schooling in Scottsdale | Part 3

Proverbs 14:1 tells us  “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” As with all areas of life….we must be watchful of where our choices...

Considering Home Schooling in Scottsdale | Part 2

As you look to consider what type of education is best for your children, here are some questions to ask yourself and to discuss with your spouse: How do you define education? What does it mean...

Considering Home Schooling in Scottsdale | Part 1

Over the next three days, we have a Scottsdale Mom sharing her insight on home schooling.  Scottsdale is actually full of families who embrace this alternative method of education for their families.  There are support groups...

You’re a vegetarian….will your baby be a vegetarian?

Most of my friends know that I stopped eating red meat and chicken when I was 12 years old. So a question I was asked more than a few times while I was pregnant...

Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable

People move all the time. For jobs, for families, for something...different. Moving can be a time of high anxiety, placing higher-than-normal amounts of stress on yourself, your spouse, your whole family. Throw a couple...

A Life, A Legend, A Purse| Candid Motherhood

Few things define a woman as much as her purse.  It’s an inner sanctum we rarely allow others into. And, on the rare event that we have to lay it all bare and allow...

New Mom in Scottsdale

We are always hearing about families who move into Scottsdale from, well EVERYWHERE!  Meet Kelly!  She just moved here and is sharing some of her favorite things to do with her son (age 2)...

Photography Tips for Mommies | What’s In My Bag

New cameras are popular Christmas gifts each year, especially SLRs, and I know some of you are just scratching the surface and getting to know your new toy obsession. If you’re like me, you’re...

Donating Cord Blood

By now you have all heard about how cord blood could potentially help your child in treating cancer, sickle-cell anemia, marrow failure and certain genetic diseases.  You can't pick up a pregnancy magazine without...


Sandpiper Elementary First School in Paradise Valley District to Launch Language Immersion The same question kept coming to the surface during school tours and orientations for the parents of prospective students at Sandpiper Elementary school...

Candid Motherhood: Don’t Fall Asleep on Me

Moms, I’ve got bad news for you. You will never sleep well again. This is something that they may not tell you about in those nifty little birthing classes you take. From about the...

Buy Buy Toys to Bye-bye Toys

"Another pull toy!" I exclaimed as a duck on a string emerge from the wrapping paper. It brought the total number of pull toys received Christmas morning to FIVE!  Five new ones plus the...

Mom Index’s January 2011 Phoenix Area Event Picks

Happy New Year!  We're so excited to share our events for 2011 and to keep you up-to-date about events, activities and opportunities to experience the best in the Valley.  Thank you for your ongoing...

New Years Eve Makeup Guide

Christmas may be over, but the festivities aren't yet!  With New Years Eve just around the corner there is reason to wear your new holiday duds and perhaps spend some of that Christmas cash...

Dressing for the Holidays

Dressing for the holidays can be daunting! Here are a few ideas to make your holiday wardrobe season a little more merry and bright. Thanksgiving: Dress for the season with fall colors.  Even if we don't...

Photography Tips for Mommies | Picking the Perfect Outfit for Photographing Kids

What to wear in photos? This is always the million dollar question for photos - especially with precious little ones.  Have you ever oogled over photos of someone's cute children? Of course! We all have! It...

Coping with an Enlightened First Grader

All moms have coping methods. Maybe for you it’s watching TV, exercising, deep breathing or eating. For me, it’s sarcasm. I survive on a steady diet of farce, satire and sarcasm. Any time I don’t...

Great Youth Theater in Phoenix

"Just pretend...."  These are words that we hear in our house ALL the time.  We have kids ages 5-9, and they love to put on shows and create elaborate imagination play together.  They drag...

Mom Index’s November Phoenix Area Event Picks

We are so thankful for our readers and for our continued growth.  Thank you for your support and for continuing to spread the word about Mom Index. This month, take time to be thankful for...

Before and After

My friend Merry just had her second baby girl and is balancing this adorable new baby with a 2 ½ year old, a husband, and she is studying full time to boot!  Girlfriend needs...

15 Ways Moms Can Use Social Media (Part 3 of 3)

After talking the past two days about ways you can use social media in your personal life and supporting your hobbies and interests, today we'll talk about creative ways moms like us can use...

15 Ways Moms Can Use Social Media (Part 2 of 3)

Yesterday, I talked with you all about using social networking and social media in your personal life and in personal relationships. I provided ideas on how to connect and build online—as well as offline—friendships. Today,...

15 Ways Moms Can Use Social Media (Part 1 of 3)

Social networking and social media are all the rage. It seems you can't go anywhere these days without someone asking if you are on Facebook. "Hey, Facebook me," we say, treating the social network...

Mom of Ten talks about Misdirected Energy

I wasn't ready for this job. I knew it. Just look at me; disorganized, lazy, self-centered, a champion at one thing only: Procrastination. I didn’t know how to do the job and had no...

Candid Motherhood | Of Love and Ugly Shoes

I live with two little fashionistas.  Even though they are only 6 and 8, they are already experts on what is and is not fashionable. My older daughter, in particular, frequently has an opinion...

Mom Index’s October Phoenix Area Event Picks

We’re still in triple digits, but that does not mean we have to stay indoors and miss out on fall fun. Check-out our Arizona Fall Festivals, Farms, Food & Fun guide in the...

Communication Styles That Can Help Your Marriage

Last week we talked about the analogy of the "Four Horseman of the Apocalypse"- conquest, war, power and death and how they show up in marriage as criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. I am...

Quick Beauty Tips

You are busy, I know!  I am too.  There are mouths to feed, messes to clean and work to attend to.  Who has time to put on makeup?  Everyone!  If you have 5 minutes, you have...

Photography Tips for Mommies | Framing your Pictures

Before I started studying photography, most of my pictures were the same-old-same-old.  I would often show my pictures to friends and family and it seemed they had seen all 50+ images in less then...