Now that the heat is upon us, it’s time to bring summer indoors. We break out the toys that have been stored away while the weather was too pretty not to be playing outside. The fort sheets go up and we sneak out to the shaded patio under the fan only to enjoy a popsicle. All the while dreaming of our annual trip to the ocean, which never comes soon enough.
And because the beach can’t get here faster, we bring the beach to us! I love candles and embellishing them with seashells is not only easy, it’s pretty and gives any space that fun, summery feel.
Here’s what you need:
~Candles, the simpler the better. I splurged on some from Pottery Barn. They are very gently scented and burn well. JoAnn Fabrics has great pillars in tons of sizes.
~Sea shells. The flatter version work the best, but other shapes work too. I found tons on the cheap at T.J.Maxx.
~Twine. I used a soft string that has a fiber look to it. Michael’s floral section has lots of options.
~Tray. Or a plate. Or something else flat. It’s not totally necessary, but it completes the look.
How to:
1. Get creative. Arrange your candles by height either symmetrically or asymmetrically. Go with what you think look interesting.
2. Start tying. Wrap the candles a few times with the twine, just for interest. Slide the shells in the twine, or tie the shells. Whatever is easiest based on how many hands you have!
3. Complete the look. I’m not brave enough to scatter sand or smooth rocks within reach of my two year old. But! If you’re brave or if this is out of reach, spread a little around. Or use the extra shells – big or small. The less structured the better!
4. Light it up. The first time a pillar candle is burned, it will continue on the same path until it’s out of wax. That said, make the first time you burn your candle the longest so it burns close to the edges. That way you will get the most use out of your candles and they will glow beautifully!
Love this! So easy and pretty! Thanks Beth!
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