Pajama Day


Who’s ready for a Pajama Day?

Pajama Day

Wrapping up a season of wonderful and fun holiday activities, then transitioning back into the routines of school and work can be exhausting. If you’re noticing the days flying by way too fast, it might be time to plan a Pajama Day!

The point of a Pajama Day is to relax and enjoy time with your family. That will look a little bit different in each home. Our family likes to play board games, read together, and end the day with a movie and popcorn.


  • Buy a few of your favorite treats.
  • Check out books and movies from the library
  • Do anything that has to be done in advance (pay bills, grocery shop, etc).
  • Mark off Pajama Day on your calendar so it doesn’t get filled with obligations.

A Few Tips

  • Stay in your pajamas all day – leave the mail in the box, let the garbage bin sit at the curb.
  • Put your phone out of sight.
  • Go with the flow – there is no schedule or appointments.
  • Anything goes – If your family wants to read all day, great! If you want to have a pajama dance party, go for it! If cooking relaxes you, create a feast!
  • Find a cozy blanket and enjoy a cup of warm coffee, tea, or cocoa.

Pajama Day DON’Ts

  • Catching up on housework is NOT a pajama day.
  • Running errands in your yoga pants is NOT a pajama day.
  • A sick day is NOT a pajama day.
  • Taking care of someone who is sick is NOT a pajama day.

Whatever you do, spend your Pajama Day filled with what relaxes and rejuvenates your family. Try your hardest to ignore your phone; remember, the whole point is to slow down and have a day free of commitments. It might feel strange to have no obligations for the entire day; but after a few minutes, I guarantee this is a post-holiday tradition you’ll want to do every year!


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