Most family vacations we’ve taken thus far have been non-educational, beach-y type of trips. It’s been time to relax and explore. This year, my husband had a summer conference in […]
Preparing for international travel with a preschooler can be a daunting task. There are flights to book, reservations to make, and endless blogs that give you advice on what you […]
With the summer months upon us, there is a likelihood that there’s at least one car trip out of the abysmal heat to California or Northern Arizona in your future. […]
Traveling with kids gets a bad rap. Many people avoid it because it seems more trouble than it’s worth. Sure, travel with kids is harder than traveling alone. But if you’re […]
Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do.” Planning a trip can be […]
Summer vacation season is officially here. Like most Arizona moms, I’m doing my best to make plans to escape the heat. Yes, a road trip around the west coast is an […]
Our travel activity packs are a staple for long trips. We have spent a lot of time on airplanes over the last eight years. All of our family and many […]