Drum roll please…..the winner of the October Scottsdale Moms Blog Photo of the Month is Kelly S. and her little sweeties, Bella and Lainey! Are they not the cutest little things you’ve ever seen??!!!
Here’s a little bit about Kelly via a fun little get-to-know-you questionnaire. (adapted from the Kimberly Jarman Vendor Highlight posts)
Tell us a little about your family. I have been married to an incredibly, sexy man with drop dead gorgeous blue eyes named Chris for almost 6 1/2 years. This native Okie and farm boy is multi-talented, highly skilled (you know, like nunchunk skills and such :0)), an awesome husband, God-fearer, and one fantastic Daddy! He works for a non-profit organization where he overseas Donor relations, project management, and graphic design. I am originally from the BUCKEYE state (O-H-I-O! GO BUCKS!) and am the youngest of four where my mom had 4 kids in 4 years on 3 birthdays, however, none of us are twins! I work for my church in the Outreach department where I oversee our short-term mission teams, missionaries, and plan/organize church wide/community events.
Chris has a houseful of women as we have 2 baby girls. The eldest is a clone of her Daddy and the little peanut is all Mommy! Isabella Rose, whose middle name is after her maternal grandma and great- grandma, turned two in August. We mostly call her Bella, Bella Boo, or Boo. She is strong-willed, independent, sweet-natured, talkative, yet super ornery and adventurous! Elaina Faye, whose middle name is after her paternal grandma, and great, great-grandma, will be 9 months old this week. Her nicknames are Lainy, Lainy Lu, or Lu-Lu. At 4 months of age, our Pediatrician looked at us and said, “Oh, SHE is going to be ORNERY!” So far she has been! She is the happiest little thing with a big ole smile most of the time, but this little munchkin can be quite the fireball, too! She has the most irresistible, chubby cheeks ever and is adored by her Big Sis! As a family we love spending time outdoors, being with family and friends, throwing themed holiday parties, and try to live life to the fullest every day!
What is your signature dance move? I like to mix it up with a combination of the lawnmower, the pizza spreader, the cotton swab throw, and a little good ole fashion booty shake. If its really jivin’ music, I might bust out the switching arms body balance, but you’d just have to see that one for yourself!
If your life became a biography, what would the title be? “Organized CHAOS!”
If you were a TV show character, who would you be? I think I’ve answered this one before in a game of “Loaded Questions” and my husband said, Monica from Friends….minus her anal-ness to have things straightened up because that is definitely not my gifting!
What is your ring tone/caller tune, and what does it say about you? For family it’s the Ohio State Battle Cry tone, for the hubby is Oliver James’ “Greatest Story Ever Told”, and for all others it’s called “Third Eye” on the Galaxy S Epic Smartphone.
At the end of the day the most important thing in life is: My love and relationship with Jesus Christ, my husband, My Girls, family and friends.
Your favorite song in high school was…? Too many to recall since I LOVE music, but probably “Dreamlover” by Mariah Carey, anything by Boyz to Men (Yep, I’ll admit it!), “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston, Anything Celine Dion, “Friends” by Michael W. Smith (admit it, you liked it too!), “I’ll never get over you (Getting over me) by Expose.
At Barnes and Noble, what section are we most likely to find you? Cooking or party planning books section, travel, Parenting or kids section.
If you were to win the lottery, what would your charity of choice be and why? That’s a hard one! I would probably put it towards a variety of non-profit organizations I support, missionaries serving overseas, or various special projects to share the love with lots!
What are your favorite kind of sneakers, and why? Don’t get hung up on brands, so I’d say just any type that look cute, last me longer than a year, and won’t break the bank.
To read more about Kelly visit her blog HERE.
Thank you to all who entered! We loved hearing from all of you! Don’t forget to submit your November photo TODAY!
Here’s how to enter…
{1} Email your photo to [email protected]
{2} Subject: {Current Month} SMB Photo of the Month
Entries must be received on or before the last day of each month.