Cooking. To be honest I have a love/hate relationship with it. Meal planning – boo, fresh homemade delicious meal – yay! Cooking when kids are occupied and playing nicely – yay, cooking when kids are crawling up your legs and screaming – boo.
As a busy family with kids in evening sports, there was a period of time where meals began taking a back seat. I found myself too busy rushing kids here and there and dinner often fell to dad which usually meant chicken nuggets, hot dogs or take out. With the turn of the new year, I looked at our eating out budget as well as our diet. Yuck. So I began to find a way to prepare meals that could be quickly prepared or magically ready when I walked in the door at 6:00pm.
Here I give you my favorite kitchen gadgets that have helped me succeed. They have saved my family’s eating habits and all of us from a daddy that is best known in the kitchen for his microwaving abilities.
1. Crock Pot. This goes without saying and with the invention of Pinterest its become super easy to find great recipes. I also love Crockin’ Girls and A Year of Slow Cooking. Something to also note is that you need a GOOD crock pot. I’ve heard ones from the 70’s are the best (yay Goodwill!) but don’t get the $20 Target one. It will burn everything. I found this out the hard way.
2. Magic Bullet. It really is as good as seen on TV. We love it for smoothies, milk shakes and I make all my baby food with it. Also, frozen margaritas. Its small and doesn’t take much counter or cupboard space like a traditional blender.
3. Steamer. A two-level steamer is just the best. I can cook rice and steam veggies at the same time. Plus I can set it up ahead of time and have my husband simply turn it on. Another great no-thought set-it-and-forget-it kitchen gadget!
4. Deep Fryer. Ok…I know…not healthy. But they are so amazing. My girls favorite thing – homemade chicken nuggets. They cook in 5 short minutes. I make huge batches and freeze the leftovers instead of buying processed from the store. Doesn’t that make up a little for the ga-jillion calories that comes from frying? Plus homemade french fries and donuts in minutes. Need I say more?
I love my Cuisinart! I wish it was a little easier to move around, but it still gets used a lot!
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