Our family loves to celebrate almost as much as we love traditions. Last year we made May Day Baskets with our two year old. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to teach her about sharing and being a kind neighbor, especially when so many celebrations involve kids receiving treats and presents. Plus, what toddler doesn’t love to color and use stickers?!
Decades ago, when times seemed to be simpler, people would deliver May Day Baskets on May 1 as a symbol of the start of spring. The baskets were typically made of paper and filled with candies or flowers. They were then hung on loved ones’ doors. The gifter would knock on the door and run away, leaving a wonderful spring surprise.
In a society where people are hustling from music lessons to sports practices, it’s easy to let sweet traditions fade. However, creating a May Day Basket is simple and inexpensive:
- First, choose a piece of scrapbook paper; heavier weight is better
- Roll the paper into a cone shape and tape it to secure the shape
- Punch a hole in each side of the top of the cone
- Attach a ribbon looped over the top, like a handle, and secure each end with a knot
- Decorate the basket using paint, markers, crayons, glitter, stickers, etc.
- Fill the basket with candy or flowers -(remember, chocolate may not be such a wonderful surprise if it melts in the hot Arizona sun!)
In a world that could use a little extra kindness, May Day Baskets are a thoughtful way to surprise people and show them that you care about them. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day; of course, you can make your baskets as elaborate as you’d like.
Join our family on May 1 in helping to bring back a lovely tradition!