Marissa Jimenez

Marissa Jimenez
Marissa Jimenez is an Arizona native who now lives in Scottsdale with her husband, Chris; two-year-old daughter, Evelyn, and newborn, Lettie. Technical writer by trade, she is excited to join SMB to chat and write about her new, fun adventures in mommyhood. She enjoys patio weather, anything accompanied by a musical number, and all things crafty.
worry makes me tired

The Worry Makes Me Tired

My husband and I are finally catching up on sleep after a handful of years where consistent sleep just didn't happen. So why, WHY am I still so tired?    The worry. The worry makes me tired. 

3 Ways to Avoid Using your Oven in the Summer

It's juuuuusssst about summer time here in AZ. This means hibernating inside watching movies and coloring a million pictures. It means venturing outside into only 1) an air conditioned car or 2) a refreshing...

Watching my Mom become a Grandma

My husband and I recently had dinner with friends who let it slip that they are expecting. A million things flew through my mind that I wanted to tell her, but I contained myself....

What I’ve Learned in Ten Years of “Going Green”

About ten years ago, I found myself in a new apartment, in a new state, living completely by myself for the first time. I didn’t have much – since I had recently sold most...

Cousins are the Best Kind of Friends

Over Thanksgiving, my family and I drove 20 minutes out of our way to see my cousin (who had come in from out of town) at another cousin’s house, for a grand total of...

All the ways I hate working out

In my house growing up, hate was a bad word. We just weren’t allowed to say it. We could never, ever say it about people. And hating things was not looked nicely upon either....

Ten Book Themed Gifts for the Kids in Your Life

Guys, I am FULL of holiday spirit. I decorate the house like it’s my job. I host a bunch of people. I bake a bunch of cookies. I love everything about November and December!...

Shop Local: Furry Friends Edition

With all the craziness that occurs during the holiday season, we can sometimes forget our fur babies! For us, Andy (our Border Collie mix) was our first baby. We adopted him when he was...

3 ways I’m letting go of control

You could say I am in a busy stage of life. I have two kids, ages two and under. A full-time job. A side gig on this here blog. But to be honest, I’ve...

How I parent when my kids are sick

Like most (okay, all) moms, there is not one day that goes by when I'm not doubting at least one decision I've made. Did I use the right tone? Did I make my kids...

When the day doesn’t go as planned

It was overcast, but warm. The waves were perfect. We could watch the surfers and boogie boarders easily. The sand was soft and cool enough to walk on barefoot. We had one full morning to...

Three Tips to Simplify Your Summer

Summers are hard. We all have grand plans in the beginning, but we're now halfway through and it's time to get real. Embrace what's working so far, drop anything that's not, and take a...

One year old Milestones that took me by Surprise

One is a BIG YEAR when it comes to milestones. We lost the bottle shortly after her first birthday. The binkies were packed up and “given to another baby” by 18 months. Her vocabulary...

Quick Tips for Cleaning Your Outdoor Toys

Well, it feels like I blinked and we went from winter to summer! In Arizona, we have a lot of opportunities to play outside, so all of our outdoor toys get A LOT of...

The Working Mom’s Radius

After all of January’s talk of resolutions and goals, I got to thinking about one of my long-term goals that has been in the works since before I even had kids. One day, I...

Candide Luxury Padded Baby Wrap (Review)

Last month I got the opportunity to test out Candide’s Luxury Padded Baby Wrap in Hazel. All opinions here are my own.  Upon opening the Candide Luxury Padded Baby Wrap, it looked—indeed—luxurious. The padding and fabric...

My Husband’s Resolutions (in a perfect world)

I have a hard time coming up with a list of resolutions at the beginning of the year. Usually, as the months pass and I am inspired by something, or want to get started...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Hosting 

I think it’s safe to say that the thought of hosting a few dozen people could send most people into a full-on anxiety attack. For me though, I grew up with my mom and...

Embarrassing First Trimester Moments (that you tend to forget about)

The first trimester is so, so exciting, but also a bit terrifying – no matter if it is your first or your fourth kid. Pair not being quite comfortable with telling everyone that you...

3-in-1 Multifunctional Maternity Pillow Product Review

I recently received the Candide Baby Group Multi-Relax 3-in-1 Multi-functional Maternity Pillow in Taupe to test out at home. All opinions here are my own.  We know babies come with a lot of gear, and this...

Fall Crafts You Can Do with Your Toddler

It still may be summer weather here, but Fall IS coming. I promise! I am a Fall-loving, craft-obsessed mama, and could not wait to get started on some projects. I have an 18-month old this...

Cloth Diapers and Daycare

Searching for anything about cloth diapers online can lead to a crazy amount of articles, but when I was preparing to go back to work and needed to know about cloth diapers and daycare...

The Toddler Snack Drawer That Went Horribly Wrong

I have an independent one-year-old. She has never really let us feed her (she mastered a fork before she walked), she picks out her own shoes (yes, I know this spells trouble once she...

New Mom Fashion Sense – How It All Changes After Baby

Your body is changed. Your mind is blown. Maybe you lost the baby weight, maybe you still have a way to go, but regardless—certain areas are distributed a bit differently. Nowadays, dressing like a...

3 (Local) Online Resources to Check Out This Summer

Scottsdale Mom's Blog is a big fan of online communities. It is understandable that the internet is often where you look first for information—but it can be tough to whittle down what is actually...

The Process of Researching EVERYTHING

Some of us do this more than others and I will readily admit I am a bit fanatical, but when it comes to researching anything I will spend a significant amount of money on—I...

My Husband: Often the Better Parent

I attended a friend's wedding with the man who later became my husband. During the father-daughter dance, he  leaned over and announced “that has to be one of the single best moments of having...

Make a Change. Ditch the . . .

Make a change. Ditch the. . . Drumroll, please. Disposable diapers.   I am a full-time working mom who uses cloth diapers. A little crazy, but I love it. This is my personal outlook at this crazy...