What’s In My Bag: Diaper Bag Edition
I always love reading what other bloggers and celebrities have in their bags. I have learned of so many random things that people have, that become so useful in certain situations. I decided to...
Party Favors That Won’t Disappoint
School is starting back up throughout the state, so that means those long class lists of invites to kids birthday parties are about to make their way around. My daughter just had her birthday...
15 Activities You Can Do With a Balloon
Summer is here and I always feel so desperate for new activities to keep the kids entertained both inside and out. When I worked with kids growing up we always had balloons tucked away...
The Other Side to Mothers Day {Not a Celebration for Many}
Mother’s Day has a whole other side to it. It has always been different for me, a holiday that has always been pushed aside and not given much thought to. It of course has...
Mama Needs A Time Out: It’s Okay to Step Away
Don’t you wish Mama could just take a time out? A time out that is as long as you are old. I feel like I would be a whole new person, able to recharge...
Dear Husband: I Can Be Stressed Too
Sometimes I feel my job as a stay-at-home mom is underestimated. Not only by other people but sometimes by my husband, too. Just because I do not have a 9 to 5 job to...
Spring Break Ski Trip
I know, when you think spring break you think tropical beach getaway right? When do we not think that? But when our family thinks spring break, we think mountains, snow, and fire pits! My...
I Am a Helicopter Parent and I Am Okay With It
I will start by telling you the definition of a helicopter parent just so you can understand just how crazy I am! A helicopter parent is a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive...
Restaurants With Awesome Kid’s Menus!
My husband and I really enjoy going out to lunch on the weekends. Once my daughter started to eat solids, I realized that so many restaurants have the same 4 things on their kids...
Back to School Books to Ease Jitters
Summer flew by and it’s that time of year where the kids are gearing up to head back to school. Being in a new classroom with different friends or even in a brand-new school...
The day I lost my phone!
Ok, this is probably going to cause a few eye rolls, BUT I have a feeling if it happened to you, you would feel the same desperation I did!
I went to the grocery store...
Dads of Daughters: A special Thank you to my Husband!
I’m not sure if I have been noticing this lately because Father’s Day is approaching or if it’s because I have my own husband and daughter duo, but I have noticed lately how adorable...
Tips for Preventing a Home Burglary
Recently there has been a string of burglaries in North Scottsdale. As a wife with a husband who travels all the time for work, this totally freaked me out! We had a guy come...
Travel the World With Disney
My husband and I recently had dinner with his boss who went on and on about his family vacations to Disney. I had no idea that there were Disney resorts all over the world....
Natural cold remedies I swear by!
I can’t believe that it is March and the cold/flu season is still going strong! Honestly, the flu scared me so much this year that I avoided the gym so I didn’t have to...
Spring break in Keystone, Colorado!
I am a native from Colorado who loves getting away to the mountains for the weekend. When I met my husband he introduced me to a place where his family has a house and...
Five Healthy Habits for the New Year, New you!
Happy New Year! As you know the beginning of a new year is the start of a new you. The most common New Years resolution is to lose weight and to eat better. I...
Guiltless Thanksgiving Dessert: Cinnamon Apple Skillet
During pregnancy I had a major sweet tooth! Now, after the baby, that sweet tooth just won’t go away. The battle between sugar and the gym are really starting to hate each other. I...
Cutest little Bumkin Craft
Anyone else dying to do holiday crafts and activities with your little ones but find they are just a bit too small? My little one has zero interest and would rather put all the...