2 Months: 14 lbs 8 oz, 23 1/4” Long
Easton was born on December 3rd, and the first few weeks of his life were what I like to call the “Crescendo to Christmas”. You know what I mean. Christmas music plays everywhere you go…the decorations go up…Christmas cookies, Christmas trees, the whole bit. Even though we’re well into February now, one phrase from the story of Christmas is still repeating in my mind, and it’s this:
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. –Luke 2:19
Without photography, video cameras, and the security of modern technology Mary captured the most memorable moments with her child and treasured them forever.
In the short 2 months since Easton was born I think I’ve taken over 1,000 pictures and tons of video footage ( I know, it’s crazy!). It’s easy to overload on “capturing the moment” with some kind of device, but I’m learning to TREASURE up these moments in my heart. With so many things to do it’s hard to take time to be completely “unproductive” and quiet, but that’s when the priceless act of treasuring happens…I think.
What do you think it means to treasure these moments with our kids?
I LOVE watching little Easton grow up! He’s just so darn cute.
In terms of treasuring these days I’m always reminded of a quote from Tim Kimmel – “In parenting, the days are long but the years are short.” It so helps me remember that this time right now is going to go by so quickly so I MUST be sure to capture every moment. Even if just by taking a “mental” photograph 🙂
I LOVE that quote…so true! 🙂
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