It’s Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I’m featuring my favorite post of Noelle’s. You can read all her posts here.
Often when I head to the park with my children, I’ll leave my purse or other such thing in the car. My thought is, “it is a quiet neighborhood” or “it will just be an hour” or some such thing. Then I remember Noelle’s post, and that it is just not worth it to leave things unattended. I want to assume the best in our community, but I also need to keep in mind that not everyone is community minded. Thankful for her candid reminder. This was originally posted in January of this year. ~ Cate
Things They Forgot to Mention (A Public Service Announcement)
This happened as I was vacuuming out my car on Saturday. I pricked my finger on a small shard of glass I found on the floorboard of my car. Why is there glass on the floorboard of my car, you ask? Well, it’s a long story and I thought I might share it and let you learn from my mistakes…
First off, It must be known that I’m a “glass is half full” kind of girl. For those of you skeptics, and worry warts- move on…this post is not for you.
The other day I met a friend at the park. We had the best morning. She brought me Starbucks, the boys played in perfect peace and the conversation was perfect. We said our goodbyes and Jack and I walked to the car. My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw that my passenger window was shattered in a million pieces. I stood there, bewildered.
“How could someone hit my window with a baseball and not leave a NOTE??!!”
Stop laughing. I LITERALLY thought this.
Then after I had about 90 seconds to process I realized that there was no baseball…and also, there was no purse left in my car.
I know. I know. I KNOW. What kind of idiot leaves their purse on the floorboard of the car?
This kind of idiot.
But I was 10 yards away.
In a safe neighborhood.
Surrounded by people.
I immediately jumped into damage control mode. Canceling cards, filing police and credit fraud reports, scheduling glass repair, and mourning the loss of my favorite Coach bag.
Later that day when I was telling my story to the bank teller they informed me that I was the SECOND person that day to have their purse stolen from their car in a park.
And then it hit me…
If I was a criminal (which I’m not) what a perfect place to hit up. A park! Mom’s who are busy, have their hands full and definitely don’t want to hold their bag while Junior throws sand and swings.
Several weeks later, I’m still finding glass and dealing with the inconveniences of this situation. A situation that could have been easily avoided. Stop rolling your eyes at me and take note.
We are busy, we are distracted, we are vulnerable.
PSA: Don’t be an idiot.