We all LOVE where we live, right?! Big city, great people, lots to do, continuous sunshine- what’s missing? For me, not much but for my husband it doesn’t typically fulfill the ‘great outdoors’ category. As a child, I had fond memories of day trips fishing with my Dad and older sister. As a wife, I recall many a weekend camping and fishing with my hubby and long for that to continue. As a mother, I desire to pass on those experiences to my children- but DREAD packing both of my little ones up and venturing out for even a two hour road trip only to be met with any number of behaviors/attitudes upon arrival.
Enter- Urban Fishing… Did you know you can fish in Chaparral Park?!? Mind blowing, I know! I was ecstatic to find out that (at least until my little ones are older) we could, as a family, go fishing and have a picnic practically in our own backyard.
Not only is this a great way to get out and enjoy our beautiful sunshine state, it is also an inexpensive way to spend the day. Children under the age of 14 do not need a fishing license, but do need to be accompanied by an adult with a Class U Urban Fishing license ($18.50/year)- this license is valid at any of the state’s 21 participating Urban Fishing Lakes. Additionally, depending on how adventurous your family is you could purchase a Class L Super Conservation Fishing license ($53/year) and fish in both statewide and urban waters.
Alternatively, you might want to take advantage of one of the states FREE fishing days! (Really, who doesn’t LOVE free things?!?!)
Saturdays: June 4 and 11, 2011
For more information visit The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s website.
Have you taken your kids fishing- how did it go? What advice would you lend for parents taking their little ones on their first fishing trip? Do you have any other family outdoor activities that you’d like to share? We’d LOVE to hear them!!!
Jess is a Phoenix native currently residing in Mesa with her hubby Luke, son Parker (18 months) and daughter Piper (2 months). She loves investing in deep relationships, playing the ‘save lots of money’ game, cloth diapering, and all things domestic (save for cleaning). She loves being a mommy and wife, has recently started Parker and Piper Trading Co. and strives to live transparently while updating family and friends on her everyday life.
Great info, Jess! Thank you!
Thanks Ben! If you go, let us know what you/your kids thought 🙂
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