Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to read. She read everything. She read for hours. She traveled to faraway lands and spent her days pretending to be characters from her favorite books. The little girl eventually grew up and her childhood imagination transformed into adult creative. Adult creative that allowed her to come up with exciting Marketing plans, write creatively and live in a world where she could still see the beauty and fun through a little imagination. Yes, I am that little girl and now as a Mom to my own little girl, I decided to take a leap into my own world of imagination, tackle an item off my bucket list and write my first children’s book. A book inspired by my silly rescue dog Harley and his silly friend, who spend their days exploring the world of pretend!
My love of reading has been strong since I was young, and now as a Mom myself, I want to instill the love of reading and imagination into my children’s minds as well. However, in a world of constant technology, it can be hard to turn off the screen, avoid planning the Pinterest activity you have been wanting to try and simply let your child create their own world of play through imagination. The goal of Licorice Lane: Tales from Harley is to do just that. The goal is to let a child’s mind takeover for a day of fun. For a day of adventure. For a day of exploration, all without leaving their own backyard.
Licorice Lane: Tales from Harley is a colorful book for parents to read to their young children and also perfect for new readers to read to us adults! I rescued my Cockapoo Harley from the Arizona Humane Society when he was just 11 months old and he has spent the last 9 years inspiring me to create short stories about his silly demeanor. It’s been a very fun journey for myself to tackle an item on my bucket list and self-publish my own children’s book.
Before the book becomes available online, I would like to offer a special friends & family rate for you to purchase a copy for your own little reader! If you would like to purchase a copy of the book before it becomes available online, please click here to fill out the form.
As a part of the launch, I am also doing a coloring contest and would love to see your child color their own world of pretend! The winner will receive a free copy of the book. Visit my Facebook page for details.
I would love to donate a copy to local schools, libraries, special event drawings and non-profits. I am also available for book readings. Please email me at [email protected] for inquiries.
I think this is fantastic. Instilling a love of reading into kids at an early age can make such a profound positive impact in ways that we can’t even imagine.
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