“Back to School” is here again and it’s time to think about UNIFORMS!
No, I am not talking about heading to Target or Kohl’s to purchase mass amounts of khaki shorts and skirts with coordinating polo shirts in navy and white; those are for the kiddo’s back to school shooping list.
I am talking about the Mommy Dress Code you will see moms sporting this August at school drop-off.
1) The Model Yoga Mom
You know the type, head to toe Lululemon, impeccable makeup, hair in a casually pulled back pony tail, but of course perfect and color coordinated with outfit. These moms don’t look like they ever perspire but they are headed to yoga or ballet barre class and look perfect at 7:30 am.
2) Workout Warriors
These moms are ready to lift, jump, hike, run, bike, or swim. Their uniform might be a past triathlon shirt with a visor and of course running shoes that have logged in 30 plus miles and it’s only Thursday. These moms are headed to the mountains, the road, the crossfit class, the bootcamp…and they are ready to work.
3) “The Newscaster”
She’s presentable on the top (eg. shirt and hair/makeup) and for the lower-half: pajama bottoms. These moms are in the car pool lane drop-off. Upper ½ together. Bottom ½ still back in dreamland. Headed home for another cup of coffee.
4) “Big Hat and Huge Sunglasses”
I speak from experience here. These Moms embrace that AZ 100 + temp and sport the universal camouflage for not having the time or energy to do their hair or makeup, in style. This look is easily discovered when one continues to wear sunglasses indoors. Guilty as charged!
5) “Medical Professionals”
Doctors, nurses, dentists, hygienists: we are on to you. Your so called work uniform is really PJs. Scrubs rock; now go save a life.
6) “High Fashion at 8am”
She’s wearing 4 inch wedges, bold jewelry, hair blown out, and a tailored outfit straight from Nordstroms or Neimanns. This look is complicated because it’s a mix of those moms headed to work and those moms headed to not sure where (PTA meeting, brunch with mimosas, London). Impressive, yes. Even more impressive, dropping off 3 kids to school before the first bell.
7) “Target-Bound”
These women are fully clothed, somewhat presentable, 1 latte short of fully functioning, errand runners. Up and ready to tackle the “to-do list” moms are ready to power through their am agenda. God Speed!