The holidays are here and we can’t wait to celebrate! Welcome to our 2018 Holiday Guide, we’ve got everything covered from gift guides to where to find all of those twinkling lights. Happy Holidays!
Special thanks to our sponsor for helping us make this guide possible! BASIS is one of the top rated charter schools in Arizona and enrollment for next year is happening now through December 13. BASIS has classes in all grades Kindergarten through 12th grade and believes in curriculum that will engage, challenge and inspire its students.
Download this adorable Letter to Santa printable from our friends at Rochester Moms Blog
There is so. much. to. do. during the holiday season! Click HERE to find an organized list of where to check out the best light displays, when the holiday parades are happening, and much more. There are chances to celebrate Chanukah, races to participate in, and festivals to attend. We hope that you find this list helpful and have a safe and wonderful time celebrating with your loved ones.
It’s no secret this time of year can start to revolve around gifts. We, of course, don’t want to make them the reason for the season, but we do enjoy the look on loved ones faces when they open something they love! Here are some of our favorite picks for gifts this year. (FYI these posts do contain affiliate links)
Best Food Gifts
Our Favorite Local Gifts
Trends for Girls
Trends for Babies and New Mamas