School is officially in! Now, it’s time for moms to relax. . . at least until pick-up time. We asked our contributors how they love to relax after school drop-off.
These all sound great to me! How about you? How do you love to relax?
We would love to hear from you.
Jessica: My kids aren’t in school yet…but I’m dreaming of the day I can drink coffee in peace and watch the Today Show without any interruptions! And then read a book…
Marina: Starbucks + Matt Lauer+ Daily Devotion+ Clean Kitchen with a scented candle ( salted caramel) adds to my moment of zen
Amy: There is no time for resting for me. Only 3/4 are at school the days I am not working so it is to the gym, to run errands or back to the kitchen to pick up from breakfast.
Angela: When the kids go back to school, it all seems like a vacation for mom. Shopping at Target is a dream. The tv on anything but cartoons is perfection. And the occasional brunch date with a Bloody Mary is a must!
Renée: I’ll have one in school three days a week and one with me full time. I can’t wait to get into my gym habit. Can’t beat the childcare options at Mountainside Fitness!
Kate: Starbucks and a trail hike!
Rebecca: Who needs preschool when you have gym childcare?! (Don’t worry – mine is too young for preschool anyway…)
Beth: With one in school and one still at home, I’m looking forward to being able to finish a full cup of coffee that’s not in a travel mug before lunchtime!
Kim: I am looking forward to working at home without one of the three coming crashing into my office during a conference call!
Lindsay: It’s been a treat getting back to my exercise routine at barre3 and being able to shop at Target with only one kid in tow (and it’s the one who doesn’t scream to look at the toys, probably because she can’t form a sentence yet).
Rudri: Running and writing
We want to celebrate all of you finding your relaxing moment this Monday! Head to your closest Starbucks and use this gift card code posted on the Scottsdale Moms instagram account for a FREE coffee on us. The card will keep buying SMB readers coffee until it runs out, so don’t delay!
Image: Coffee mug via Photopin