Who doesn’t love a birthday party? Most kids do, including our son, Dominic, who recently celebrated his own 7th birthday with his twin brother. But, Dominic LOVES to be invited to other parties too. He LOVES to celebrate. He LOVES pizza and cake. I mean, REALLY LOVES cake!
Now, Dominic can’t jump around or bounce or play arcade games. He can’t eat pizza or cake by himself. But, he will celebrate to his heart’s content if you give him a chance.
Dominic is in a wheelchair because he doesn’t have full control of his arms and legs, or most of his body for that matter. But, he’s still a kid who loves to party and giggle and laugh alongside his friends. He might even yell out a “woo hoo!” While he cannot feed himself cake, if you give him a choice of chocolate or vanilla, he’ll make a choice. He may even ask for seconds. And if ice cream is an option, he will likely let out a big “yes please!”
Now, I didn’t always feel this way. In fact, I recall times when I wished we didn’t have to find an excuse to get out of social functions, even wishing we weren’t invited. For years, a simple visit to a party often ended in a disastrous meltdown leaving the hosts apologetic.
My “Aha! Moment”
But, please don’t let that stop you from inviting him or children like Dominic. Don’t burden yourself with accommodations. While we appreciate it, it’s ok to leave that to us. Further, don’t be offended if we quickly exit or never even make it out of the van if he’s just not having it. Most importantly, plan your birthday parties as you would, and celebrate your child as you should because we want to celebrate with you. After all, life is way too short to miss out on a good party!
Thank you for this post…I’m an older woman with no kids but this just touched my heart. No child wants to be left out….Let’s include all friends no matter their needs….
Love this Sherry! Well said.
Thank you Jene! I appreciate your interest and feedback. Hope all is well!
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