Reasons my Child is Crying

If you've ever had a toddler,  you'll love this.  Because if you've ever had a toddler, you'll know that they cry for any reason and most of them are irrational. They cry when they get things they want, they cry...

A Body Image PSA

Remember when the ad campaign started a couple of years ago about talking to your children about the dangers of smoking?  The commercials showed uncomfortable and bashful parents initiating conversations with their middle school age children while the voice...
Like most first time parents-to-be, my husband and I read the baby books, took a birth prep class and decorated the nursery according to my Pinterest board. We checked off the checklists and felt confident we were prepared for anything...
There are a million different versions of this poem, but do you remember in general what I am talking about? Here's a great version: via I couldn't stop thinking about this poem while in the kitchen the other night. My...

A Big Honking Post

Let me set the scene for you. I'm the first one in line at a green light. I'm counting to four after the light turns green because I know that somebody is going to run the red light. I see it happening....

Overwhelmed by Five

"Let me encourage you. No man ever got to the end of his life and wished that he had fewer children." An older man sat before a group of new and soon to be parents. His eyes were warm and...
It's National Breastfeeding Month as well as World Breastfeeding Week, and we are honored to present a three-part series with Board Certified Lactation Consultant (and Scottsdale mom/grandma!) Andrea Mansor. Andrea is answering breastfeeding questions submitted by you, our readers,...


As I scrolled through my FB news feed over the weekend, I noticed a very simple post: #metoo. At that point, I had read about the latest sex scandal in the news and was as disgusted as ever, but...
"Mommy has a tummy ache," I told my daughter as I lay on the floor next to her while she played with her baby dolls. I was in the midst of an IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) flare-up and waves...
I’ve always been on top of my game… until I had kids. Then the game changed from “do it perfectly” to “get it done.” But it’s been hard to let go of my perfectionist mantra. I held onto it...
Truth: If you serve more than two meals a day in a vehicle, you are a road warrior. If you have, at any given time, ice packs in coolers filled with snacks & dinner, you are a road warrior....
So as a soccer and dance mom, you might find it a bit random and unexpected for me to have this quirky Halloween tradition - but I'm going to share it with you anyway. I normally start the night in...
I did it. I survived. To kick off the New Year I completed the Whole 30 dietary challenge. If you have no idea what “Whole 30” is, here is a snippet regarding the Paleo-style plan from their website about the program...
Okay, mamas, let's talk pediatricians.  I have a dilemma. I've been with the same doctor at the same pediatrics practice since my 3.5 year old was born. I now have a 15-month-old as well. Between well checks, chronic ear infections...
September is anniversary month in our house! This month marks thirteen years of wedded bliss--and if you believe the bliss part, you're probably not married. Marriage is work. HARD work. But marriage is the best kind of work, because...
Whether you are one to create New Year’s resolutions or not, most of us put some thought into what we want to change, create, accomplish or be in the new year. And why not? There is great collective energy...
I met a new friend today.  She is a mom in my son’s Kindergarten class and we volunteered on a project together.  We chatted for a while talking about raising boys and whether or not her son was signed...
I am about to hit another motherhood milestone! I have finally, almost reached the end of my gigantic supply of Dum Dums. I know this may sound like an unconventional method of marking time as a mom, but when...
Mother's Day is a special day to show love and appreciation for all that motherhood and mothers mean to us. Everyone acknowledges our great contribution to the world and society for bringing life into the world. Our children are babies,...
A good college girlfriend of mine just had her first baby, and, of course, we’ve had plenty to discuss. I love hearing stories of her new little baby boy. And, I’ll admit, as the mother of two little men...
July 4, 2016  That was the day I hit rock bottom at Target. Here's my little secret...I shop for my feelings. If I have something to celebrate, I shop. If #momlife has me all in a kurfluffle, I shop. If I feel sad...
Happy New Year Everyone! A time for new beginnings, and for many of us, an overwhelming sense of needing to do it all and do it right. Since "health" seems to be a common topic of New Years promises...
There's a lot going on in the world right now, and staying positive can be a struggle. In quarantine without our normal morning routines, it's easy to go a little bit stir crazy. Let us help you reset your...
Meet Jennie! She is an Arizona native and yoga instructor with two adorable little boys. We hope you have fun reading her posts! Have you ever woken up in the morning and cheerfully thought, "This is going to be a great day!"? Then your kids...

Dear Expecting Mom

Dear Expecting Mom, If you’re like I was, your mind is racing. Sure, you’re waking up in the night to go to the bathroom, but let’s be honest, you’re also awake because you’re thinking about how much your life is...
We all have a vision of how motherhood will be. We submit our paperwork to adopt or get that positive stick and our hearts start dreaming about all of the sweet moments you will have with your little one....
It's easy to say, that on any given day I can create a Facebook status of the things I've accomplished that will leave someone picking their jaw up off the floor.  They will think I'm super-mom.  While there are...
Darling boys, you are still little. And though you couldn't possibly know it yet, you're making me so much better. I'm a better wife. ...because I am praying for yours. May I model the woman you might one day seek out: - One who loves her husband...
Do you ever find yourself looking around and wondering how everyone is so happy, so put together, and making this mom thing look so easy? Do you find yourself wondering what their tricks are, reading Facebook posts of everyone’s happy moments...

Be My Baby

Let me first say that I do not really want any more children. We couldn't handle any more children, actually. I know my patience level, and threshold for crazy, and I believe my husband and I are pretty much...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...