How do farm fresh eggs sound? Or melt-in-your-mouth homemade caramel? I know you want local delicious fresh fruit and vegetables. Oh, and I bet you can't wait for tomato season to be here, like me?
Is your mouth-watering yet?
I am...
I must admit, there are few things cuter in life than an adorable baby in an adorable outfit. I also must admit that I am super cheap and usually don't want to spend the normal amount of money it...
Remember earlier this summer when it felt like almost everyone here at SMB was expecting?
Remember how we decided to celebrate with a Pregnancy Week Series? Remember all those fun pregnancy posts?
Remember all the beautiful maternity photos taken...
Let me start off by saying, we have an amazing community right here in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area. I am so impressed with some of the local charities and organizations in our own backyards. Now that I am a mom...
Hello Scottsdale Moms! I can't believe I am one now too! I grew up here in Scottsdale but craved the city life so I am just moving back here with my husband and two little boys after living in...
I am, what I like to call, a "stuffer."
I stuff things I'm not sure where they go into drawers with the thought that "someday" I'll organize the drawer and find a spot for said random object. That's why I...
With December in full swing we thought it was time to poll YOU, our incredible readers, and see what some of your favorite Valley area Holiday Activities are.
The list below is a compilation of all of your Facebook comments...
Remember how FIVE of us were pregnant? Last month, two Scottsdale Moms Blog contributors gave birth to perfect wee babes, and we are so excited to officially introduce you to them!
Beth Wand welcomed baby boy Augustus (Auggie) Wand on...
There are some amazing local moms in our community that make the most amazing handmade items. As we approach this holiday season, what better time to spotlight our local crafters and their upcoming markets than now!
{Just so ya know...this...
This is a guest post by Phoenix mom and breast cancer survivor Barbra Watson-Riley. Read more about Barbra's breast cancer story here.
Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was shocking of course. But as we know, breast...
I’m new to the area. And by “the area”, I mean the West Coast in general--we just moved here from North Carolina this summer. Yes, you read that right: we moved to the DESERT in the SUMMER. I promise...
I spend most of my days navigating the waters of "tweendom". Life with a ten-year-old is anything but dull. Yesterday I got three, THREE emails from the princess asking begging for an Instagram account. Upon my third NO, we decided...
Did you know it was October? I know, right? That was fast. I swear we were just in the middle of summer fun and back to school.
Despite what the thermometer says outside, it is in fact, fall. Fall is...
So before my days as a non-showering, overtired and underpaid stay-at-home-mom, I was half (the better half, of course) of a couple that society has affectionately labeled as a “D.I.N.K”. That would be Dual Income, No Kids.
The happy hours...
Hey, Scottsdale Moms!
Arizona can get HOT, but at Cold Stone Creamery there is a solution! We are proud to announce the recent launch of our frozen yogurt line! At Cold Stone, we believe that indulgences can be both delicious and...
I've been feeling a little bit left out with all of this talk about back to school. So, I thought I'd add my own two cents about life in preschool-land and the all-important question of "What do I do with...
If you were one of the lucky ladies who went to Mom’s Night Out Arizona last month at the Sanctuary and received a fun swag bag, inside you will find a bunch of things to help you with getting ready to send...
1. STORYTIME! (AKA Children’s Programs)
From Toddlertime at the Phoenix Public Libraries to Shake, Rattle & Roll at the Scottsdale library Branches, to a number of interesting sounding programs for older children that my little guys are still to young...
I've discovered something about myself recently: I love trying new things and/or new ways of doing things.
I'm not always a huge fan of change, but if a product or method seems that it will make my life easier, save...
Hey Everyone! If you have followed any of my past posts, I love to talk about great finds in the Valley and what we are doing to get out of the house. So I thought I would try a...
My husband and I woke up one morning with no plans for the day. We (correction, I) was giddy with the anticipation of doing something new and adventurous. After throwing out a number of ideas, we decided we'd drive...
It's Archives Week here at SMB, and this morning I'm featuring my favorite post of Steph's. You can read all her posts here.
Now, I'll be honest and admit that yes, I'm about to enter my 3rd trimester of pregnancy...
I recently had the chance to sit down with the owners and creators of Dependable Divas, Erika and Kerry. This mother and daughter team have built an amazing business all around getting organized.
If you're like me, then you've probably...
If ever there was a time that I wanted to have something to look forward to, it would be now! The temperatures are rising and I am less than excited about getting in and out of our 1,000 degree...
I have never bought shoes with laces for any of my children. Velcro and slip-ons are just so much easier. Plus, with three small children, I have visions of being on the ground tying shoes all day. This is...
It's Archives Week here at SMB and I was asked to comb through Angela's past posts and pick my favorite. I had to narrow it down to three and then choose blindly because this lady writes great stuff! Angela is...
This post is sponsored by CHI Au Pair, USA. If you are looking at child care options, hosting an au pair can be an enriching experience for your whole family, as well as an affordable and flexible option. Read...
I can hardly believe that my sweet lil' Elsie turned ONE this weekend!!! I really do feel like her real birth-day was just yesterday.
In typical Steph-fashion, Elsie's birthday called for a little Par-Tay. There's nothing I love more than...
I want to send out a big thank you to the Red Lobster on Cactus Road by Paradise Valley Mall. They sent me a gift card to check out their newly redesigned restaurant and menu with my family. I...
KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil is hitting Phoenix on June 8, and you can save 25% on tickets and make this Mother's Day more memorable!
Get 25% off price level 1, 2 or 3 tickets on select performances, and treat...