Love’n The Kitchen

Do you ever watch cooking shows and wish you could be in that kitchen to taste and experience the food that the Chef is making look so easy? I can hold my own in the kitchen, but sometimes those...
Sometimes I sit here at my computer wondering what to write about for my bimonthly SMB post and I think, "nah, that's too obvious - all Scottsdale moms already know about THAT...". Except how many times have you shared...
This post is sponsored by Scottsdale Child Care & Learning Centers. SCCLC programs provide nurturing baby day care, as well as quality day care for two-, three- and four-year-olds and private kindergarten. Click to learn more about how all...
Okay, mamas, let's talk pediatricians.  I have a dilemma. I've been with the same doctor at the same pediatrics practice since my 3.5 year old was born. I now have a 15-month-old as well. Between well checks, chronic ear infections...
If you are planning your child’s first birthday or you already have a couple under your belt, here are some ideas for birthday parties (because I don’t know about you, but having little to no cleanup to do when...
I came across this great website ( that lists a ton of restaurants in Phoenix and surrounding cities that offer free (or cheap) kids meals with each purchase of an adult meal. I have three kids to buy meals for,...
My very first post for SMB was about how glad I am to be living in Arizona, where despite our horrific hellish hot toasty summers, we don’t have to worry about bundling up our little ones in the wintertime....
It's archives week here at SMB.  Here's one from our early days: ***** I told you about how the chiropractor helped me with having a baby.  But, let me tell you how he helped my baby once she got here. Seriously, I...
Every birthday or special event that rolls around, I always stress about where to buy the cake. I haven’t found any true bakeries close to my house in North Scottsdale. All of the fabulous cupcake places closed down and...
As a cloth AND disposable diapering mom, I hear on the playground all sorts of crazy tips about diapers, where to get them, who has the best ones AND even how to get the stinkies out of my cloth...
First, a confession: I am totally guilty of complaining about how many big box and chain stores we have in this area and how comparatively few locally-owned businesses, and yet I’m not very good at seeking out the mom-and-pop...
In honor of my brother’s wedding in a few weeks, I am writing a blog post about something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue . . .and of course they are all things to do in and...


There are few things that I'd love my kids to experience at least once during their childhood.  The circus is certainly one of them.  I love the idea and excitement of a traveling group of performers sharing their amazing...
I have a love/hate relationship with dining out with the kids. On the one hand, I love saving my kitchen the mess of cooking for the family, and having someone else make the meals is also a plus. But...
When the opportunity to take a class at The Dailey Method and blog about it came up, I literally jumped. One of my close friends had raved about this place for nearly a year and I knew I had...
If you are ever around the Shea/Scottsdale Rd. area in the near future, you have got to stop at the cutest little boutique.  It's called Liv Eco Baby Boutique and Diapery.  SMB loves supporting local businesses, and this one...
When I ask you to think about where you grocery shop what are your first thoughts?  A large chain? Bright lights? Vinyl tile? Big Displays? Ringing any bells??? Years ago, when I first began shopping for our groceries as a new wifey...
In a hidden spot two hours outside of Phoenix, we found the cutest place to take the family for a weekend away. It has a little something for the kids, a little something for the adults, and lots of...
For those who have read my Friday Date Night posts in the past, you know that I'm always on the look-out for a new eatery to try.  The Valley has way too many awesome restaurants to always go to the same-ole...
It’s photo challenge time! Our first challenge posted a couple weeks ago was GRASS. For those of you who are following along, we would love to see what you captured… feel free to share your link below. My dear...
Spring is here and I have grilling on the brain.  Maybe that's because spring in Arizona feels like summer everywhere else.  The weather is perfect, and it's not yet too hot to enjoy a backyard barbecue.  My favorite things...
Five years ago when the OBGYN said it’s twins and then proceeded to tell me and my husband about PVMOM, a local multiples club, I had no idea how great of a resource the club would turn out to...
As the weather warms, there is something in my east coast born heart that wants to get out and feel the earth under my toes and pick the fresh blooms of spring.  I want to enjoy all...
MY dear sweet 20 month old is quite possibly the biggest fan the monkey population has ever had. He has carried around ‘Mr. Monkey’ since the day he was born. He has loved Curious George. He has begged to...
My kids and I got to attend a special preview of the Phoenix Zoo’s Orang-Hutan: People of the Forest exhibit earlier this month. The zoo staff was awesome, the new exhibit was phenomenal and the orangutans themselves were truly...
I am so excited to be here at Scottsdale Moms Blog to share with you my favorite date night activity. This is an especially great one if you get a little sick of the dinner and a movie routine....


When my daughters came home through adoption 3 years ago, there was something tangibly missing from their lives thus far.  They had, up until that point, be living in an orphanage.  A "good" orphanage, but an orphanage nonetheless.  Safe,...
When my daughter was not yet two, her daycare teacher told us she’d been talking about “Steve Nash and Amar’e” at school one day. Last Summer she requested Take Me Out To the Ball Game as her lullaby every...
One-hundred degree days and the kids out of school are right around the corner. What better way to spend one of those hot days each week than sitting in an air conditioned movie theater eating popcorn and watching a...

Sea Life Arizona

This past week, my children and I ventured out to the Sea Life Arizona Aquarium. I don't know about you, but my kids are fascinated by animals and how uniquely each one is created.  They loved every moment of...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Watch the wildflowers bloom in Arizona

When I moved to Arizona in 2009, I had no idea that I was in for some of the most beautiful wildflower hunting I'd...