It's summer and it's hot which makes it a perfect time to go indoors and read! Here are some great summer reading programs to keep your kiddos busy and reading! Public Libraries The Scottsdale Public Library has a great summer program...
Did you catch Jenn's staycation post yesterday? Be sure to check out her picks for local summer getaways, and read on for mine! Have you ever had summers where it's just not realistic with your current circumstances to go out...
Summer getaways don't always mean you have to travel long distances when you live in the Valley of The Sun, because we have Staycations!! I'm sure when you are traveling back to the midwest or out east and you...
Jason and I LOVE going to Disneyland with our kids. It's a special place to us! Not only did we get engaged there over ten years ago, but it's always been something that we've enjoyed doing together as a...
Since spending my formidable high school years in San Diego, I’ve been aware of this summer phenomenon known as the "Great Arizona Migration," where Phoenicians flock to the coast for some much needed respite from triple-digit heat. San Diegans...
Since having children, our travel accommodation preference has changed drastically. Gone are the days of booking one nice hotel room and scouting airfare deals for two. Our post-kiddo travel seems to include more car drives and vacation rentals, because let’s...
This post is sponsored by  North Italian Farmhouse in Arcadia, a Fox Concept Restaurant. So I just turned 30 and it was kind of a big deal…in my head.  I don’t know how you spend your birthday but I tend...
Whole Foods Scottsdale treated members of the SMB team to lunch this week and is generously sponsoring this post. Read on for information about how you can get pampered at Whole Foods this week! In the busy-ness of our days,...
Mark your calendars for the PVMOM Spring Sale coming up this Saturday on May 4th, 2013. There will be thousands of items for sale to the public, including gently-used infant, children, and maternity clothing, swim suits, strollers, highchairs, bouncers,...
Getting your family ready for any type of outing, event, or family get together can be hectic enough. Planning for a family photo shoot can be downright STRESSFUL. As a photographer, I love partnering with our clients of our...
How do farm fresh eggs sound? Or melt-in-your-mouth homemade caramel? I know you want local delicious fresh fruit and vegetables. Oh, and I bet you can't wait for tomato season to be here, like me? Is your mouth-watering yet? I am...
One of my favorite things to do during the holiday 's warm up with a cup of tea. Some of the best places to enjoy high tea in the valley are at our local resorts. Nothing like sipping warm...
This year I am so excited about our Christmas dinner plans that I was inspired to share it with all of you. Since it is just the husband, me and the kids this year for Christmas dinner, I decided to...
It's the most wonderful time of the year...and the most expensive time of the year {minus our gross A/C bill during summer}. I love the holiday season so much, but the expense of it is sometimes overwhelming. This year...
With December in full swing we thought it was time to poll YOU, our incredible readers, and see what some of your favorite Valley area Holiday Activities are. The list below is a compilation of all of your Facebook comments...
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan/ I know that sounds contrary to the deal-hunting bargainista in me, but the truth is that I prefer to shop online rather than deal with all the crowds on Black Friday. Plus, with so...
There are some amazing local moms in our community that make the most amazing handmade items. As we approach this holiday season, what better time to spotlight our local crafters and their upcoming markets than now! {Just so ya know...this...
Who doesn’t need more reasons to get together when you have amazing girlfriends you don’t see enough because of  _______________  (fill in blank with: kids, job, husband, volunteer work, or other commitment)? Behold: a Favorite Things Party is the new...
It’s mid-November, ladies.  Mid.  November.  Um, how did this happen?  Where did 2012 go? The holiday season is upon us, and here at Casa Aaron, we’re pretty pumped. Before we were married, Handsome Husband and I talked extensively about creating...
My husband Jason and I just passed our NINE YEAR anniversary. For some of you, that might not be so long. For others, it's quite a lengthy time. I'm certainly proud of the accomplishment and I can tell you...
Halloween is behind us. November is here (and so are the red holiday Starbucks cups!). I'm feeling the urge to get organized for the holiday season! If you're looking ahead too, here are some links from our archives to get you inspired,...
When I was a kid, it was my favorite most talked about, anticipated part of October - Halloween.  It was such a fun time to get together with friends, carve pumpkins, and "trick or treat" throughout our neighborhoods.  I...
I’m new to the area.  And by “the area”, I mean the West Coast in general--we just moved here from North Carolina this summer.  Yes, you read that right:  we moved to the DESERT in the SUMMER.  I promise...
Our furry red friend is coming to our own Comerica November 16-18!! Super Grover has lost his super-ness and Sesame Street needs a hero! Never fear, the fabulous five Super Heroes are here -- featuring Elmo as Captain Fuzzy! Elmo,...
If you're anything like me and my husband, you mean well when it comes to date nights. You KNOW they're super important, but making it happen can be a challenge. For us, snagging a free night to have all...
Did you know it was October? I know, right? That was fast. I swear we were just in the middle of summer fun and back to school. Despite what the thermometer says outside, it is in fact, fall. Fall is...
Mark your calendars for the PVMOM Fall/Winter Sale coming up this Saturday on October 6, 2012. There will be about 20,000 items for sale to the public, including gently-used infant, children, and maternity clothing, Halloween costumes, strollers, highchairs, bouncers,...
We have been going to Boo at the Zoo at the Phoenix Zoo every year for the past 7 years - ever since we became parents really. Of course, I love the zoo and think it is a wonderful...
Kari Gayes has many reasons to fight cancer. Both of her grandmothers as well as her uncle passed away after long battles with disease. For a long time after losing her family members, Kari was consumed by anger -...
This post is brought to you by our incredible venue sponsors for the upcoming Mom's Night Out Arizona, Ice Den and 18° Neighborhood Grill. Looking forward to seeing so many of you readers at the event on May 10...

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Guide To Scottsdale

Your Survival Guide to Spring Sports

      Spring is officially in Sunny Arizona, which means it's time for kids to dust off their cleats, grab their gloves, and hit the fields...