Kind Ways to Welcome Your New Neighbors to the Neighborhood


When the new neighbor’s moving truck pulls up across the street, it can be very exciting for you and your family. Who doesn’t love to build close friendships with other families on the block that they can share for years to come? 

If you are looking for friendly ways to welcome your new neighbors into the neighborhood, look no further. There are a ton of kind and thoughtful actions you can take to smoothen the moving transition of your new neighbors without overstepping. 

Here are a few tips and ideas to let your new neighbors know that you are wishing them well and their new home. 

Introduce Yourself 

neighborAs you could imagine, the first step in building a new relationship is introducing yourself. Give your new neighbors a warm welcome by saying hello with an enthusiastic tone and a smile on your face. 

For the most part, you’ll want to make sure that this interaction is somewhat brief as your neighbors most likely will have a lot of chores and tasks on their plate. If you would like to send well wishes to your new neighbors without overwhelming them, use these welcome tags to hang on their door. Whenever they have a bit of time, they may stop by, give a call, or send a text to say hello! Either way, the kind gesture doesn’t go unnoticed.

Bring a Housewarming Gift

neighborDon’t go empty-handed to your neighbors new home. Bring over a thoughtful gift that they will use as they adjust to their area. They will think of you as a caring neighbor who they can turn to in times of need!

This is a great way to build a friendship and offer local delicacies, your favorite bottle of wine, or cute house decorations. Here are a few ideas for gift baskets that will make your neighbors feel at home: 

  • A self-care basket for neighbors who are stressed out or tired from the move

  • A cleaning kit with products to help keep the house spiffy

  • A local produce themed basket with fresh fruits and vegetables
  • A wine and cheese basket with a charcuterie board for making cheese boards

If you do choose to include wine in your basket, add these fun wine tags to make your new neighbors feel comfortable and welcomed. 

Give Them the Local Info

neighborhoodWhen moving to a new place, gaining a sense of the community is an essential part of making new neighbors feel welcome in the neighborhood. If the newbies are from a different state or city, they probably need some relevant information about the local community.

Recommending the best health care providers, services and local events to new neighbors will make you a trusted resource for future advice. Here are some ideas of services that you can recommend to your neighbor:

  • Local services including car repair shops, lawn maintenance, doctors, and babysitters
  • Local groups like social clubs and community popular involvements
  • Local attractions like pools, parks, and shopping malls and restaurants

This information will be very helpful to your neighbors. Give your neighbors a neighborhood cheat sheet to help them remember all of the local information so they can hang it on their fridge. 

Housewarming Plants

neighborhoodNothing says welcome to the neighborhood better than a flower bouquet or a mini succulent for your new neighbor’s windowsill. Offering a small plant that your neighbor can help grow will give them a fun activity to do in their new home. 

Whether you choose a potted hydrangea bush for their backyard or a mini cactus for their kitchen wall, there are a ton of fun inexpensive plants that they will enjoy. 

Along with the plant, give your neighbors fun plant care tags to help them stay organized with providing care for their pet plant in their new home.