Summer flew by and it’s that time of year where the kids are gearing up to head back to school. Being in a new classroom with different friends or even in a brand-new school is very scary and intimidating for both the student and parents. Here are a few books for back to school and activities that you can do as a family to help with those first day jitters!
The Kissing Hand– The book is about a raccoon who is nervous for his first day of school. His mom kisses his hand so that he can take a little piece of her with him to school!
TRY– If you have a little one who is a little scared for the first day find something that will help them feel safe. Moms kiss on their hand could work, a special necklace from mom to remind them of her, or even special notes and pictures for them to find in their lunch box might do the trick!
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes– I love all the Pete the cat books! Pete had new school shoes that he is so excited to show off in school.
TRY– Read this book in a different voice! The song can be really fun if you sing it in a different way than you usually read. Go back to school shopping together for shoes so they can be just as excited! You can also have them color their own cool pair of shoes on paper. You can find print outs of his actual shoes online.
First Day Jitters– this book is about a little girl who has first day jitters. She try’s everything to get out of going to school. Once she gets there she realizes it’s not so bad.
TRY– Explain situations where you feel nervous to do something and what you did to feel better. Try to do a new activity as a family that you have never done. Show them that it could be intimidating at first but at the end is so much fun!
If You Ever Want to Bring a Alligator To School DONT– I think this book is really cute! It will just bring a lot of little giggles and hopefully distract the first day jitters!