With each of my pregnancies, I faced morning sickness that left me exhausted and vomiting from morning until night. This time, I was diagnosed withย Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Despite this extreme situation, there were still a few things that worked with every pregnancy to make my days a little better.
By the way, if you are one of those moms who struggles with this, I am so sorry. It really will pass, but I know it can feel so overwhelming when you are in the middle of it.
1. Anything Ginger:
A dear friend brought me a container of ginger cookies from Trader Joe’s. I would suck on them slowly and hope they stayed down. These were a lifesaver. I would feel good enough to eat and drink a little something about 20 minutes after eating these.
When I am expecting, ginger ale is a staple in the house. You can usually find a 2 liter container sitting open on the kitchen counter.
2. Citrus:
There were not many things that smelled good, but for all three pregnancies, the smell of citrus always helped. It was clean and bright. I usually had a citrus candle burning in the kitchen or lemon water just simmering on the stove. For more on things to do with lemons, check out one of our old posts here!
3. Pretty things:
This sounds like a luxury, but it worked for me. In the thick of the morning sickness, I would look at flowers or a pretty magazine. I’d watch a movie full of beautiful scenery. Beauty always helped distract me. Having fresh flowers in the kitchen reminded me that there is a time for everything. Morning sickness would pass, eventually, just like the flowers.
These three things always helped me get through the thick of it. For more ideas, here are several suggestions from another SMB contributor about 4 things that helped her! For me, though, weeks 11-17 always seem to be the worst. I’m still on the nausea medication but I’m due in April and I am feeling so much better than I was earlier in the pregnancy.
I’m looking forward to the day I don’t feel nauseous even once, but until then, I’ll stick with my ginger, citrus, and flowers!
What morning sickness remedies work for you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments – I’m always looking for ideas!
Thanks Kate! Lemon drop candies were my staple ๐ Hope you come out of the morning sickness fog soon and feel normal again!!
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