Most of the SMB moms out there have more experience than I do being pregnant, so I’m reaching out for some advice on a “growing” issue…
“How on Earth are you supposed to sleep comfortably as you continue to get bigger?”
The “Bells” (that’s what I call my belly) is starting to get cumbersome at night, and I’m trying my best to avoid my old default position of lying flat on my back. First I tried a body pillow we had lying around the house, but it was absolutely impossible to maneuver and I took up the whole bed! My OB recommended that I use 4-5 normal pillows. I don’t even think we own that many, but I think I’ve found an excellent temporary solution:
…the Dex Products Pregnancy Pillow! I picked it up for about $12 at Buy Buy Baby, and it’s MAGIC…ok, not really. In reality it’s just an 8” wedge piece of foam, but it does work wonders. When I’m sleeping on my back I keep it under my right hip. Then, when I roll over to my side it’s small enough to easily adjust to support the “Bells”.
I know that this little gem will only do the trick for a little while longer. So, do any of you have advice for what to do in the latter months of pregnancy when you’re REALLY huge? How many pillows did you use? Is there another magic product out there? I welcome any and all advice as well as funny stories…
Towards the end of your pregnancy, how did you get comfortable in bed?:
- Just one pillow under my head and I was fine…
- 2-3 Pillows
- 4-5 Pillows
- A Body Pillow
- I didn’t!
- Other
Comment below.
Check out how much bigger the bump is!-
Before I go, I MUST share one small discovery.
Last week one of my clients at work made a comment about my protruding belly button…not something I really wanted pointed out. I decided, “Alright, I’ve got to do something about this.” The only product on the market right now is “Popper Stoppers” (available at Destination Maternity and some Target locations), but I think the $13 price tag for a pack of 5 is a bit steep.
I tried several different alternatives and found a decent solution: CVS Paper Tape.
With 2 little strips everything is smoothed out again…
Try it! It really works!…and I think the $3 roll will last me the rest of my pregnancy!
Brittany is an Arizona native and married to her best friend, Brandon. They are expecting their first child in December. Brittany is currently the product and graphic designer for her family’s custom upholstery business, Pacific Mfg. Co. ( Learn more about her here.
Britt – you are just way too cute! In terms of pillows towards the end of my pregnancy I think I used three. One for my head. One for between my knees and the last one for under my “bells” 😉 I might have to try the Dex pillow though… how fun!!
I’ve had three little ones and for me, each pregnancy got more uncomfortable. But don’t let that discourage you! They are soooooo worth the 9.5 months of uncomfortablness!! My answer is 2-3 pillows just like Steph. Under my head, between my knees and under my belly. Also, the further along you get, you have to stop sleeping on your back (your ob/midwife should go over this with you). It actually cuts off blood circulation to the baby. Not good. For the last trimester, you’re pretty much stuck on your side!
I’ve also heard about Leachco Snoogle Pregnancy pillows (or c pillows). I had one with my first pregnancy – it was pricey and didn’t work for me. It was just too big and cumbersome for my 5’2″ frame but I could see how someone taller would like it.
Love the belly tape! Good luck with your first!
That’s kind of what I was thinking…more pillows the bigger you get!
The nice thing though is that I spoke to my OB about the whole side sleeping issue, and she confirmed that it’s just a myth…yay! She said you don’t actually have to sleep on your side, you just have to have your pelvis at a tilt to the left to shift your belly weight off of your aorta and vena cava. So technically, no completely flat on your back time…but no sore shoulders either… 🙂 That was kind of a relief to me…
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
dear christian friend britt
hello again christian sister brittany
beautiful healthy christian sister friend brittany shaw
glade you and the baby are healthy
pray that both of you stay healthy for the next forty weaks and into the future brittany shaw
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