It’s Pregnancy Week here on Scottsdale Moms Blog! If you are just tuning in, be sure to read the rest of the week’s posts here.
A Few Pregnancy Differences Between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Your 1st pregnancy: You grab your bag and head out the minute you feel the required amount of contractions. You speed to the hospital and never even notice driving by a sign advertising karate and ballet lessons for preschoolers.
Your 2nd pregnancy: On the way to the hospital to have the baby, you see a sign advertising karate and ballet lessons for preschoolers. You’re excited to get to the hospital, but stop at the red light to enter the studio’s number in your cell phone.
Your 3rd pregnancy: You know you’re having enough contractions that you really should head straight to the hospital. Instead, you drive your children to the karate and/or ballet lesson, sit through the 30 minute class, take them through the drive-thru for happy meals, drop them off at your best friend’s house, and then speed to the hospital. You do this not because you are not super excited to have this baby but because you know it’s just easier than spending the next six months listening to, “This is our new baby sister. She made me miss my karate lesson.”
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Your 1st pregnancy: You visit your favorite stationary store several times during the pregnancy where you select the world’s most adorable baby announcements. All you’re waiting for is the weight, length, and exact birthdate and they’ll be ready to mail out!
Your 2nd pregnancy: “A trip to the stationary store” remains an item on your to-do list… though it never actually gets done. However, you do use your “vacation time” (time in the hospital) to send a lovely Paperless Post.
Your 3rd pregnancy: Facebook status update reading, “new baby is here☺”
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Your 1st pregnancy: You can’t believe how many conversations your friends have had with you about how you’ll decorate your nursery.
Your 2nd pregnancy: You can’t believe how many conversations your friends have had with you about double strollers.
Your 3rd pregnancy: You can’t believe how many conversations your friends have had with you about vasectomies.
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Your 1st pregnancy: You buy a beautiful and costly handbag that will double as your diaper bag. Afterall, you’ll carry it everywhere so it make sense to get one that is super cute!
Your 2nd pregnancy: You have learned that there is no such thing as a “leak-proof” sippy cup. Rather than sacrifice another nice “grown-up” purse to a losing battle, you buy a simple, inexpensive tote to use as your new diaper bag.
Your 3rd pregnancy: You no longer own anything nice or “grown-up”. Every purse you have is lined with bright orange golfish cracker crumbs and the sticky residue left by raisins in the summer. You don’t buy anything new because you know you’ll just throw a few diapers in whatever bag you’re already carrying. You recently saw a woman hand a Trader Joe’s bag filled with a bottle and some pacifiers to the gym nursery worker; you hope you don’t sink that low, but admit that it’s certainly a possibility.
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Your 1st pregnancy: Your best friends know exactly what you need! At the end of your pregnancy, they throw you an elaborate shower, where they lavish you with a carseat, high chair, and stroller!
Your 2nd pregnancy: Your best friends know exactly what you need! At the end of your pregnancy, they throw you a simple “sprinkle” where they lavish you with a huge supply of diapers.
Your 3rd pregnancy: Your best friends know exactly what you need! At the end of your pregnancy, they take your two children for a whole morning so you can get a pedicure and highlights…one last time!
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Your 1st pregnancy: Though you’ve been told one cup of coffee is okay, you never touch caffeine (just in case). You nod along while reading the Surgeon General’s warning on alcohol, never contemplating a sip. You are always better safe than sorry!
Your 2nd pregnancy: You enjoy your morning coffee and ocasionaly need a second cup at your child’s naptime. You have half a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve and one glass of merlot on your birthday.
Your 3rd pregnancy: You have come to terms with the medical reality that your body no longer functions without a constant stream of caffeine in your veins. You know there is no way you’ll make it to preschool without a cup of coffee and there’s no chance of an afternoon playdate involving more than 5 children without a glass of wine. You accept this reality with no guilt because, after all, you now no longer even know anyone who doesn’t have at least two kids and swears they did exactly the same thing when they were pregnant.
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Your 1st pregnancy: All the baby clothes are brand new. You make sure to wash them all in Dreft twice before they’ll ever come in contact with your sweet newborn’s skin.
Your 2nd pregnancy: You buy a few new things to make sure your new child feels special, but many of the baby clothes are hand-me-downs (but they still look pretty good.) You give the newborn clothes a quick run through the washer with Dreft, but figure once you hit the 6 months size, they’re fine for Baby #2.
Your 3rd Pregnancy: You take hand-me-downs from pretty much anyone who offers! You assume no one would put them into the rubber bins dirty so there’s really no point in re-washing. You figure pajamas are pajamas so yes, occasionally your child may end up wearing the wrong gender color and Christmas PJs in summer just because they fit—no big deal, they’ll never know!
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Your 1st pregnancy: The moment you find out you are pregnant, you are filled with overwhelming joy, anxiousness, and excitement. You stress for months to find the absolutely perfect name. The minute you first see the tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound, your eyes involuntarily fill with tears as you absorb the amazing blessing of this new little life!
Your 2nd pregnancy: The moment you find out you are pregnant, you are filled with overwhelming joy, anxiousness, and excitement. You stress for months to find the absolutely perfect name. The minute you first see the tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound, your eyes involuntarily fill with tears as you absorb the amazing blessing of this new little life!
Your 3rd pregnancy: The moment you find out you are pregnant, you are filled with overwhelming joy, anxiousness, and excitement. You stress for months to find the absolutely perfect name. The minute you first see the tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound, your eyes involuntarily fill with tears as you absorb the amazing blessing of this new little life!
So cute!! And so true about the coffee…if I get one more dirty look from the lady behind me at Starbucks, I’m going to scream!
I lowered myself to some of baby #3 ‘standards’ with baby #2 !! 🙂
I totally cracked up at the one where by baby #3 you pretty much only have friends with at least 2 children so everyboday else drinks wine too!
Hilarious, Kirsten. And so true!
Love this, Kirsten!!
Well. I’m a hot mess. 🙂 with first pregnancy but 5th baby, i fall more into preg#3. Never ever wld consider not having caffeine. The other 4 wouldnt survive w/o it. Lol
i love this. the vasectomies comment is hysterical and SO true!
You are my hero. This is hilarious. For some reason the Dreft one was my favorite. So so true. Your 3rd is a lucky sweet baby girl to have such a smart and funny mama. xo
I love it! This was so well written and hysterical! Thanks so much for bring humor and joy to my day!
Nothing like a good laugh to perk me up after a long baby-up-all-nighter. Your writing is so utterly relatable. Thanks!
Omg I absolutely love this. I’m so happy I found it because it is so true! When we found out I was pregnant with baby #3, I was worried why I wasn’t being as cautious as I was before, that maybe I wasn’t as connected. (Baby #2 was born 4 years ago so I wasn’t sure what to expect again).
I couldn’t imagine my morning without coffee and a sip of wine here and there at night! I’ve gotta have SOME sanity while I try not to lose balance over the toys littering my house and the persistent “I can’t sleep!” whines coming from the other room.
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