I can tend to be an idealistic person. I have always had a vivid imagination and spent time envisioning my future. Dreams of 2.5 children, a white picket fence and that Range Rover I’ve always wanted have haunted my mind since my early teens. In my day dreams there was always lots of smiles, clean floors, and no one had stains on their clothes. My imaginary life was…well, perfect.
Fast forward to reality. None of that exists. (Well, maybe the smiling part…though, as I type this I hear a two-year old melting down in the other room.) My life is far from perfect, and no matter the status of your white-picket fence…I’m guessing, so is yours.
Perfection is a pipe dream…and I’m learning to give it up.
The truth is, I am super-blessed. I have four amazing kids (one of them is my fantastic step-daughter), live in the comfort of a home that is more than enough. My floors are not spotless, my husbands shirts occasionally have a pink tint to them… but we are blessed…and I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing you are too.
I challenge you to an experiment this week. Lose the standard of perfection. Don’t expect it from your kids, your boss, your husband…or yourself. The pressure of perfection is far too much for any mom to bear…no matter how amazing you are.
Are you a recovering perfectionist? What areas can you cut (yourself or your family) some slack in this week?
Noelle Larson is a mom still searching to find the “balance” between her spiritual journey, family, ambition, inner peace, world peace…all while trying not to blink so she doesn’t miss one minute of her beautiful, messy life. Noelle writes at metromom.org where she journals her crazy days chasing after her kids and husband, deep thoughts, and captures her latest adventures.